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Recent content by jngrinstead

  1. jngrinstead

    Migraine Issue

    Praying for u. take care and God bless.
  2. jngrinstead

    im glowing

    thnku Sissy620
  3. jngrinstead

    im glowing

    I dont have such until do 6mnth diet but after two and weeks lost 8 lbs. feeling better after kicking coca-cola and start walking. yeah! :cool:
  4. jngrinstead

    Please help!

    thanku Sissy620
  5. jngrinstead

    Please help!

    Great news my fiancee is supporting me and said he would walk with me and eat better while I prove to the insurance in the next 6 months that Im committed to being healthy! Yeah!:D
  6. jngrinstead

    Please help!

    Thanku StinkerBelle
  7. jngrinstead

    Interesting family development... My mother is freaking out about my weight loss

    Sounds like u need to lean on ur sister and husband for support. Be proud of what u achieve. Only person u need to please is urself. Take care and God bless!
  8. jngrinstead

    Please help!

    Most of my family supports me doing the by-pass but my fiancee is not. He had an Aunt die from complications of a weightloss surgery. I don't know how to calm his fears. Please help me!:(
  9. jngrinstead

    New group I just started a group for quilting

    I love sewing. I was thinking of doing a t=shirt quilt out of my old t=shirts and add on as I loose weight! :cool:
  10. jngrinstead

    Goal Weight

    im not sure talking to surgeon on Friday to discuss opyions. good luck with whichever surgery u have
  11. jngrinstead

    How are you guys handling new clothes & sizing?

    U guys are amazing! I have my consultation in two days and Im so excited. U give me hope and ideas. Thanku! Take care and God bless.
  12. jngrinstead

    Goal Weight

    thanku CarinaBSAK!:cool:
  13. jngrinstead

    Post-op Blues

    Sorry to hear ur struggles. I dont have first hand advice but Im here to listen and even share my struggles.Give ur self time to adjust. Everyones body is different. if possible find a support group near u. Ive also heard going to weight watchers meetings help too, since everyone there is...
  14. jngrinstead

    Goal Weight

    thanku both
  15. jngrinstead

    Goal Weight

    I see surgeon first time May 2. How do u figure out what goal weight is right for u?