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  1. J Bruce

    diarrhea and low abdomen cramps

    Its been a pretty good journey so far. My pain levels were kind of high for a couple of days but by 8 days post op i didnt need my pain meds anymore. I havent really felt hungry at all, just had to fight a lot of head hunger along the way. And of course the whole protein thing. How are you...
  2. J Bruce

    Cant get in enough protein!

    Thank you so much! Ill definitely try that out.
  3. J Bruce

    Cant get in enough protein!

    Also, if anyone has tried the unflavored protein powder and found one that really is flavorless please let me know!
  4. J Bruce

    Cant get in enough protein!

    Guys i need some advice! Im trying my hardest to get in protein but can never get in enough. Im a super picky eater to begin with, and i have only found one protein drink i liked- premier pritein chocolate shakes. But i can only drink about half of one before i feel sick. Ive tried eating...
  5. J Bruce

    Question about the pain

    Thats super awesome for you, though! I wish i was that lucky. Thankfully it is getting better though.
  6. J Bruce

    Question about the pain

    Hey guys, I am 4 days post op and finally my pain levels are going down, woo! But I keep having really bad spasm like pains in the area where they pulled the part of my stomach out and I didnt know if that was normal or not. Its not all the time, but when it happens its quite rough. Thanks in...
  7. J Bruce

    Lets have your date.

    February 6th! Currently dying from this clear liquid diet 2 days pre op. I know I can't be the only one struggling.