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Search results

  1. S

    Sugar situation!!

    I had my sleeve 10 months ago and I've lost 132. But, lately my sugar cravings are killing me. I'm eating sugar all the time and can't stop. Does anyone have ideas that have helped with getting over the cravings or substitutes for sugary treats???
  2. S

    Protein shakes...help!

    I'm having a hard time getting enough protein. The shakes I've tried are Unjury and Premier Protein. There is something about the smell. Does anyone have other suggestions?
  3. S

    15 days play-off and scared of food.

    **Title should say post-op, not play off :) I had surgery April 2, 2016 (15 days ago). I've lost 35 pounds and I struggled to eat at the beginning. Now that I'm eating, weight loss has slowed a little and I'm terrified I'm not losing fast enough. Is that normal? I want this to work so badly I...