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1-16-23 program started

Hi everyone. I'm Amanda Thomas.
I've always been stuck at 250 and I dislike it. I've tried taking things out of my eating habits, but I can't get away from that number. Tried pills, so I went to see the doctor and I started the program. SW was 253. Week later I was 249. I'm cutting out little things so I can prepare myself successfully for this. My goal is to have surgery in July of 2023. I will be having the bypass surgery. I've been doing alot of research on what I need prior to surgery and afterwards, any advice would be great. Nice meeting you all.
Hi Amanda, I just had my RNY on 1/17/23. I was in the exact same position as you. I’m 5’7” and was 250 for about 3 years (over 220 for the past 20 years). I felt I had tried everything before the surgery. I started my “prep” work about 6-8 months before my surgery and was able to get to 228 before the surgery. I think it helped with the psychological part of this. Let me know if you have any questions! Best of luck in your journey
hi amanda, i had my surgery on January 9. I too was stuck at 250 for a number of years after having lost 70 pounds. A slow reduction in calories and reducing each week while building an exercise regimen should undoubtedly be helpful. Good luck with beginning your journey!