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12 years after...

I'm diane & I live in Seattle. After reaching my highest weight of 269 lbs. in 1995, I began to look into weight loss surgery. It took me a dozen years to qualify based on weight reached and insurance coverage. The hospital kicked in the extra 20% Medicare did not cover, as part of their Compassionate Care Program. I had Roux-en-Y surgery in August of 2007. I lost 35 lb my first month and 25 my second. After losing 75 lb my weight loss slowed dramatically and I plateaued for a few months. But it picked up and ultimately I lost 115 lb in about 14 months.

Everyone has a different story after the surgery because we all have different habits and tastes and likes and dislikes. Aside from being morbidly obese, I didn't really have any other health problems. I complied exactly with the diet I learned from my nutritionist. I took advantage of my good health to get healthier by hiking mountains. I attended the support group meetings, and I was enrolled in a university study for 8 or 9 years afterward. I saw my surgeon once a year.

I learned everything that there was to know about life after bariatric surgery. And as I said before I was extremely compliant. As a result I have had no problems at all except some sadness about foods I can no longer digest. RYGB surgery was exactly the right choice for me.

About a year or so ago I started having problems with sudden onsets of nausea. I saw my doctor and she put me on omeprazole daily & ondansetron as needed. I haven't been thinking of it as a problem and didn't need to take the anti-nausea medication very often, until lately. Now every single time I eat, I become violently nauseous. Sometimes I throw up. And I can only eat about a third of my food before I become too full to finish it.

These are the only symptoms I have. No pain no headache no other physical problem, no diarrhea, no constipation. So I really don't match up to any obvious intestinal or gastric disorder. I have seen my doctor about this and she wants to send me for an endoscopy. But I don't want to go. So before I make that drastic decision, I thought I would check with bariatric old-timers. Is anyone reading this who had surgery years ago without any problems and whose symptoms match mine? I won't use your story to diagnose me, but only as a tool to do research before I finally give in and let them do an upper GI on me.

I am super healthy, a perfect specimen of a person who saved her life by having gastric bypass surgery. I do everything I'm supposed to do, I take all the supplements I'm supposed to take, and I get exercise and eat well. My bariatric surgeon has retired so I'm not going to check in with another one until after I let my regular doctor treat me.

But having had the surgery, I feel I must consider it when I am talking about something going wrong with my stomach and my appetite. Anyone?
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I am actually tagging on to my first post to this group. The reason I came here was to find out if anyone had had the kind of symptoms I have such a long time after having surgery. I don't seem to match anyone else, so I will be seeing my doctor on April 2nd and probably going for an endoscopy after that.

However I do want to share with you all some really good news. Just being part of this group encouraged me to focus on my life and my circumstances relating to my weight and my decision to have bariatric surgery. As a result I started eating more faithfully and as of today I have lost 10 lb.

I plan to continue to eat this way until I lose another 10 lb. Then I will be at a weight that's comfortable to me.

Still suffering from nausea and vomiting after eating three bites of food. That obviously is a medical issue.

Thank you for your support.
Diane- that sounds like it is very disturbing for you. Although I haven't had surgery yet, I've done some reading. They mentioned something like this except they didn't have a time frame. The suggested restarting with the post op high protein diet and slowly reintroducing food. See if you have trouble with a protein shake. I'd get to the doctor though and go for the upper GI.
Good Luck to you!