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2 weeks

At two weeks you should still be in the liquid phase, or barely at puree. Most people just cleanse like crazy because no solids. And your body drops fat. But you also need to drink close to a gallon of water a day to keep your bowels from being confused. Otherwise, the body's instinct is to hang on to everything, to keep you from starvation. It's literally called the starvation response.

But you haven't said enough to assume this is happening. And at two weeks you should be talking to your doctor A LOT.

So disregard what I've said until you phone your doc. Honestly, we shouldn't even be seeing a post like this. You're way too early in process to be asking for group support.

So call your surgeon.
Hello. Stalls happen and are not usually anything to worry about. Which is easy to say, not nearly as easy to accept when it's happening to you. It can also be very difficult to not think about food, especially when you're on liquid and not chewing at all.

That being said, it is imperative that you to stick to your liquid diet. A very large portion of your stomach has literally been CUT OFF. And you are still using it. You would not walk on an amputated foot immediately after surgery and you should not be eating solid food until cleared by your doctor for the same reasons. Your stomach really, really needs this time of liquids only to heal. You can permanently damage yourself if you eat solid food too soon, so please, please don't.

The hardest part of this journey is learning to eat healthily and to treat ourselves and our bodies with respect. There are so many times, even now, that I want to eat crappy food. I was raised on it, and it is in my heart and soul lol But it causes me actual harm and I deserve better.

Will Kraft Mac and Cheese and Cheetos always have a place in my heart? Yep. But I do not eat them any longer. That isn't to say that every bite I take is "good for me". But if I'm wasting Cheetos type calories, I'm getting a fresh baked goods lol