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7 days to go


Hi, I’m Christy. Long story short, I’m day four into my 10 day pre surgery liquid diet and after a minor meltdown earlier, (stress about upcoming surgery, emotions on high, and my work still not having received my fmla papers from my doctor) I found this site. So far it has helped tremendously. I didn’t think I needed to be involved in a support anything because I felt like I have so much love and support around me. That being said, I’m humbled to find that I very much need the fount of experience and stories I’ve found here.
I didn’t think I’d be so anxious or overwhelmed at this point. I started the process in august. 5 dietician, 2 psych, 4 physical therapy, and countless other appointments later I can hear the voice in the back of my head questioning if I’ll “screw this up”. I am terrified, excited, anxious, and like some others have shared, constipated. (sorry tmi) all I am sure are part of the process. I want to thank everyone as I prepare for my surgery on 3/28/23. With as much information they give you, there is always more.
When I had my surgery (major surgery, 7 stitches to close, before laparascopic surgery was an option), I was visiting my surgeon, he just jumped right in with the suggestion that I have the surgery, whipped out a form letter he used to send to Medicare (I had SSDI at the time), filled in the blanks with my name and the fact that I was 100 pounds overweight, and sent me home with orders to eat less for the several days it would take to schedule the surgery, and boom! I was done.

When I read posts here these days and all the prep insurance companies require, I'm so grateful I didn't have to go through what you all are going through. I'm sure it's a better way to do things, but if I'd had time to think about it, I might have chickened out. As it was, I didn't have a chance to get nervous or even figure out what my post-op diet should be. So it was a week or two of liquids, then thick liquids, then soft food and by the 8th week or so, I developed a diet that was high in protein and nutrients but looked like what ordinary people were eating. I didn't even tell anyone I had surgery except my roommate, my son and my best friend.

I'd like to suggest to you that you search this group for "Magic Milk." It's milk mixed with Milkman powder, no water added. I cooked my cereal, potato flakes and soups in it instead of water and used it to make smoothies. I can't recommend it highly enough, though if you're a milk drinker, it doesn't taste that good. But it tastes just fine when used as an ingredient.

Christy, you're not going to screw this up. Turn that negative thought on its head and when it intrudes, replace it with, "I'm on my way to health and beauty and I LOVE IT!" You have a medical team that can advise you and they don't want you to fail. Let them encourage you. The anxiety and fear are gonna hang out, but remember: they're only thoughts and feelings. They're not monsters in physical form, so you can fight back by buffing up your thoughts and feelings.

If you don't believe anything else, remember that I'm still in great shape after 15 years, and there are people I've met here who are 20 and 30 years out who have managed to fight the beast and improve their health. This isn't voodoo. It's a medically proven procedure that will allow you to lose as much weight as you need to or want to.

You're going to be fine.
Hi, I’m Christy. Long story short, I’m day four into my 10 day pre surgery liquid diet and after a minor meltdown earlier, (stress about upcoming surgery, emotions on high, and my work still not having received my fmla papers from my doctor) I found this site. So far it has helped tremendously. I didn’t think I needed to be involved in a support anything because I felt like I have so much love and support around me. That being said, I’m humbled to find that I very much need the fount of experience and stories I’ve found here.
I didn’t think I’d be so anxious or overwhelmed at this point. I started the process in august. 5 dietician, 2 psych, 4 physical therapy, and countless other appointments later I can hear the voice in the back of my head questioning if I’ll “screw this up”. I am terrified, excited, anxious, and like some others have shared, constipated. (sorry tmi) all I am sure are part of the process. I want to thank everyone as I prepare for my surgery on 3/28/23. With as much information they give you, there is always more.
Hi Christy, My surgery is the day after yours and I am feeling all the things you are. I’m constantly reminding myself why I chose to do this! I’ve been taking Colace as needed for constipation (no such thing as TMI with me!). ;). I wish you the best! Keep in touch, k? Like you I’m so glad I found this site! :). :)
When I had my surgery (major surgery, 7 stitches to close, before laparascopic surgery was an option), I was visiting my surgeon, he just jumped right in with the suggestion that I have the surgery, whipped out a form letter he used to send to Medicare (I had SSDI at the time), filled in the blanks with my name and the fact that I was 100 pounds overweight, and sent me home with orders to eat less for the several days it would take to schedule the surgery, and boom! I was done.

When I read posts here these days and all the prep insurance companies require, I'm so grateful I didn't have to go through what you all are going through. I'm sure it's a better way to do things, but if I'd had time to think about it, I might have chickened out. As it was, I didn't have a chance to get nervous or even figure out what my post-op diet should be. So it was a week or two of liquids, then thick liquids, then soft food and by the 8th week or so, I developed a diet that was high in protein and nutrients but looked like what ordinary people were eating. I didn't even tell anyone I had surgery except my roommate, my son and my best friend.

I'd like to suggest to you that you search this group for "Magic Milk." It's milk mixed with Milkman powder, no water added. I cooked my cereal, potato flakes and soups in it instead of water and used it to make smoothies. I can't recommend it highly enough, though if you're a milk drinker, it doesn't taste that good. But it tastes just fine when used as an ingredient.

Christy, you're not going to screw this up. Turn that negative thought on its head and when it intrudes, replace it with, "I'm on my way to health and beauty and I LOVE IT!" You have a medical team that can advise you and they don't want you to fail. Let them encourage you. The anxiety and fear are gonna hang out, but remember: they're only thoughts and feelings. They're not monsters in physical form, so you can fight back by buffing up your thoughts and feelings.

If you don't believe anything else, remember that I'm still in great shape after 15 years, and there are people I've met here who are 20 and 30 years out who have managed to fight the beast and improve their health. This isn't voodoo. It's a medically proven procedure that will allow you to lose as much weight as you need to or want to.

You're going to be fine.
I don’t know how I missed this reply before. Thank you so much for the encouragement!