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I had a real wake-up call the other day. I was sick and tired of trying to make my hair do anything normal and knew I did not have the patience to let it grow out. So I went in the bathroom and grabbed a pair of scissors and whacked it off into sort of a Beatle haircut.

First of all, I really like it. I'm sure it looks horrible in the back but I am really enjoying having so little hair on my head. And that brings me to the subject of baldness and post-op effects.

On the day I cut my hair, I decided to take a picture. I decided I would put some makeup on and take some new headshots and they would be as good as what I saw in my reflection in the mirror.

But what I saw was a woman who at last looks her age. I cannot believe the number of wrinkles I have.

Now, part of my skin problem comes from smoking cigarettes 4 years. Another part has to do with using hot water to shower and wash my hands. Hot water kills hair and skin. Ever since someone told me that I have been using water that is lukewarm when I take a shower. It takes some getting used to but if it's saved my skin it's all right with me.

And those few days ago when I was feeling crummy, I decided to pick up my skincare routine and see if I could maybe beat back some of the wrinkles. I had a regular routine, using a dermaroller or micro-needle technique over some Oil of Olay regenerating serum. But before I did that I washed my face really well with Oil of Olay bar soap and a gentle exfoliator. Then I put on hyaluronic acid serum in the worst wrinkled areas and patted on some retinol corrective serum by Daylogic, which is just Rite Aids version of Oil of Olay.

Once I had a light coat of the serum on my face and had dabbed the hyaluronic acid around my eyes and crow's feet, forehead and around my lips, I used the roller and dermarolled my face.

Before I do all that I wash my face with a product you may or may not know about called Albolene. It's been used for years to make as a makeup remover. I knew it was mostly just petroleum jelly but if I just use petroleum jelly my skin would rebel against it and my problems would get worse. Like, if I use Chapstick I get cold sores all over my lips. I don't know why, but I do have some strange allergies.

Anyway the ingredients of the Albolene are listed below. The friend who told me about albolene had the most beautiful skin I have ever seen. She would just get a wad of it on her fingers and wipe it all over her face and neck. Then she cleaned that off with a washcloth until most of it was gone. She wet the washcloth again and made it hot like a hot towel from a barber shop. She laid this hand cloth with hot water on her face until the albolene was completely absorbed into her skin.

And it was after I did the Albolene cleansing that I did the aforementioned skin routine. Now all this crap takes a lot of time. And I'm not sure it's worth it. I did my feet too with Trail Toes and regular Jergens hand lotion and put socks on.

But for some reason I'm just feeling like self-care is what is most important to me right now. I thought I would at least share the Albolene with you because it used to be really hard to find and then the old Payless drug store started carrying it.

I was at Rite Aid, the new Payless drug store, yesterday and I could not find a whole bunch of things I regularly buy there. They looked and looked in different sections for the things I wanted and then came back and told me that they have taken it out of your inventory and have in fact they haven't stopped selling a lot of their inventory. They don't think they can sell it, they don't have enough traffic, and they may be going out of business. Not because of the Rite Aid name, but because of the pandemic.

There are stronger drug stores like CVS and Walgreens that are taking over everything. So, time to look at Rite Aid for bargains in your nutritional supplements. They will be all over the 2 for 1 or buy two and get one 1/2 off. That's what they have been and the last week and I have been in a Rite Aid store three times. So if you have the stores in your area or any chain drugstore for that matter that might be doing poorly, make sure you stock up.

Albolene contains Mineral Oil, Petrolatum, Paraffin, Ceresin, and Beta Carotene. Albolene does not contain parabens or preservatives. The ingredients for Albolene moisturizing cleanser are also found on the back display of our packaging and on our product ingredients page.
Product category topic: Cleanser
Thank you so kindly, Missy. I didn't stress the point I was trying to make. Start taking care of your skin now, even if you are a year out from surgery. Make sure your skin is hydrated. Use hyaluronic acid to reduce the severity of the wrinkles. Use something like Albolene to hydrate your skin and keep it clean. Use a night cream. Even if the only skin you care for is on your face, you will be so grateful you decided to take care of that. Before I had surgery, my face was like a baby's butt. Not a wrinkle to be seen except a few eye crinkles and really faint kissy lip marks. As soon as I got to my goal, it was like I had deflated a balloon.

When all the fat left, it was like all the air letting out of a balloon. My skin had been stretched over layers of fat for so long that it was stretched permanently out of shape. Ergo, wrinkles.

This goes for men too. I don't know what the long-term effects of Shaving the face are on a man, but they might affect the way you look post-op.

Here is a photo from the other day, using harsher light.
