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Bile Reflux??


Hello all, I'm hoping someone can help me..I had RNY in 2009, everything has been pretty good (except for some regain). At 230 thus morning I awoke to what felt like someone pouring acid down my throat. I had dry heaves and it felt like my throat was closing and breathing was hard. A few minutes later I was able to cough up a fairly large amount of neon yellow bile. Almost 2 hours later it hurts to cough, throat hurts to swallow and can still "taste" the bile. I don't have my gallbladder. This is the first time this has happened....

See a doctor immediately. We cannot advise you medically. Let your doctor make your recovery plans.

There is one thing you should have tattooed on your consciousness. You are Not Qualified to make medical decisions. Gofor the gold.