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"Food" For Thought


Hi all,

I have been watching some instructional DVDs on the Curves Weight Management system and how extensive the research has been. Over 10 years of research and at least 2000 women have gone into this system and it makes sense. I will try to explain it as best I can. The problem with conventional diets is that it is based on low calories in and high energy out. It has been proven without a doubt that this type of diet lowers our metabolism thus makes it extremely difficult to maintain the weight loss. No one wants to diet the rest of their lives but when the metabolism is so low, you would have to. Also it has been proven that 95% of the lost is from muscle tissue, not fat. Remember muscle and metabolism have a lot in common with how we burn calories. If the body senses a "starvation" setup is in place, it will defend itself. Therefore, conventional diets fail. Now, their program has been proven to work to recover metabolism every 30 days by increasing calorie intake. This is done for 2-4 weeks and you maintain your weight within 3 lbs, then it's back to the 1200 calorie diet. This allows the metabolism to recover and again help burn that fat.

Of course strength training will build the muscle tissue that will also help in burning fat. Maybe give this a try ladies.
The concept probably would but you would have to find a class for men. The calorie intake probably would be a bit higher but I don't know.