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Gas after surgery killing me

I had gastric bypass this past Tuesday morning, plus removal of a hyietal hernia. I have gas every since the surgery. It is killing me. I've tried walking, walking, walking. Any other suggestions. I'm desperate.
Need help for gas relief from gastric bypass surgery. Please, ant help appreciated

Hi Lizzie! WELCOME to the Forum!!!

For surgery they pump you full of gas so they can see your insides to operate. The gas takes time to dissipate. Even your shoulders will hurt as the gas tries to exit your body. Some people more than others will have a terrible time burping and passing gas. Other people don't pass the gas but just have the pain. I only had bad shoulder pain. It's a little different for everyone. You could call your surgeon to ask what he would allow you to take to help your gas pains. Although it can be painfull, it should get better over time.

Good Luck,

Thanks for the reply Cheyenne. I tried Gas X strips on the tongue last night, helped somewhat. I was beginning to wonder what have i done to mself. Congratulations with your ongoing success.
Thanks Lizzie :) I'm really on cloud nine because I feel like a regular, normal person now! I can sit in a chair without worrying if I will fit. I can walk up my steps easy to get in my house. I can buy clothes at the store without having to mail order size 5X. I am a really happy person now, healthier and feeling great, my medical issues are resolved and I owe it all to my Bypass surgery. I wish I could have done this years ago.

Good luck to you and your future success. :)

Cheyenne :cool:
I had gas pains as well. It lasted for a week or so post op.

Pain up in the shoulder area and yes in the stomach.

It does go away.

Then you have to deal with the burps. Lots of people say acid reflux, but it is just like being a baby with a small stomach. To this day I still burp plenty as do other post op patients I know that are 2 years or more post op. It is part of life. Just don't eat too quickly and don't eat too much at any one sitting.

What is too fast and too much you ask; it is very individual. You will get to know the signs and learn how to minimize it.
