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help im feeling blah and a little discouraged.


Hi everyone. I am 16 days postop and have had a few complications. I feel fatigue and just don't want to do anything. I am trying to get enough liquid and protein but it feels impossible. I am still having to drink and eat as if it were my first week. I'm very board of the clears and shakes. When did yalls energy return and any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.
LIZZIE-It can take 2 weeks or longer to get through each phase of the meal plan, each of us are different in this respect. It took me over 3 weeks to get through the soft foods. I had extreme fatigue for 2 full months after surgery and started feeling better during the third month. By the forth month I had energy to spare. The reason you are tired is because you are healing from a major surgery, eating very few calories and are losing an extreme amount of weight in a short timeframe. All of this zaps your energy. Making sure you get a minimum of 60 grams of protein daily will help you heal better and faster, lose fat and not muscle and help provide energy. It's equally important to stay hydrated. Ounce for ounce your protein drinks and sugar free Jello and popsicles count towards your daily fluid intake. Rest is also critical for recovery so you need to make sure you are getting a full nights sleep as well as naps whenever you feel tired. Now is not the time to wear yourself down, listen to your body when it's telling you to sleep and rest :) :) :)