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I finally got enough courage, and it blew up in my face!!

I think for the most part we all want to love our parents and have their support for the decisions we make in our life. We can only hope that they will change and support us but if they do not, then you have to do what is best for you and your own health. You are the one that has to live with the decision you made and you should be proud of it.
Hi Everyone,
If you are unfamiliar with my situation. Here it is. I struggle with my weight to the point that I am about 100 pounds overweight. I know that I am an emotional eater, and I have tried to lose weight in the past but I have been unsuccessful!! I decided earlier this month, that I was interested in having Bariatric surgery to help me lose the weight that I need. Some of the health problems that I have are Type 2 Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, IBS, Fibromyalgia, back pain, and some other stuff. Anyways, after I made my appointment for my first visit, I was scared to tell my family. On Monday, I finally decided to tell 2 people. I was actually proud of myself for realizing the issues that I do have, and for recognizing that I may need more help than before. It is correct that I have lost weight before, however I was unable to stick to it. I told my mom and my Aunt who immediately started going off saying that "You don't need that", and mentioning how I have lost weight before. Then my mom's next comment kind of hurt as well. She told me basically how much she loves to eat, basically she eats what she wants, at every chance she get. I know that I want to be healthier for myself, and my children. Maybe I shouldn't be hurt but I was. Maybe I was asking too much for my mom and my aunt to support me. They don't have any issues with their weight, and are healthy. It just took a lot for me to admit that I have a problem, and that I want to seek outside help other than myself. What are your thoughts? Has anyone else went through the same thing? How did you handle it. Thanks for reading
Hi there! I just wanted to say that you have to do this for you and your kids and no one else! I was that mom your talking about sitting in the car watching my kids play because I was too big to play with them or too embarrassed to let their friends see me so I missed all of that with them! I was a young mom! Now I am 51 and have grandchildren that I can’t play with because I am even more overweight then I was then so I am finally having the surgery so I don’t miss out again!! So I really hope you go through with it Thoughts and prayers go out to you!
Thank you for the reply. I also feel the shame and embarrassment of not being able to play with my kids like I want to. I also avoid going out in public a lot due to my weight. But I want the surgery mainly for health reasons. Confidence will come with time. I look forward to being healthy again, and addressing some of the issues that has led me to needing weight loss surgery. This time I am not letting anyone stop me. People talk about me no matter what I do so this situation is no different. I just have to learn to not let my mom, aunt and others opinions affect me. And I do remind myself on a daily basis of why I am doing the surgery. Thank you for the kind thoughts and prayers, I will do the same for you as well. I am glad that you are having the surgery and I wish you the best. Thanks
Hi Everyone,
If you are unfamiliar with my situation. Here it is. I struggle with my weight to the point that I am about 100 pounds overweight. I know that I am an emotional eater, and I have tried to lose weight in the past but I have been unsuccessful!! I decided earlier this month, that I was interested in having Bariatric surgery to help me lose the weight that I need. Some of the health problems that I have are Type 2 Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, IBS, Fibromyalgia, back pain, and some other stuff. Anyways, after I made my appointment for my first visit, I was scared to tell my family. On Monday, I finally decided to tell 2 people. I was actually proud of myself for realizing the issues that I do have, and for recognizing that I may need more help than before. It is correct that I have lost weight before, however I was unable to stick to it. I told my mom and my Aunt who immediately started going off saying that "You don't need that", and mentioning how I have lost weight before. Then my mom's next comment kind of hurt as well. She told me basically how much she loves to eat, basically she eats what she wants, at every chance she get. I know that I want to be healthier for myself, and my children. Maybe I shouldn't be hurt but I was. Maybe I was asking too much for my mom and my aunt to support me. They don't have any issues with their weight, and are healthy. It just took a lot for me to admit that I have a problem, and that I want to seek outside help other than myself. What are your thoughts? Has anyone else went through the same thing? How did you handle it. Thanks for reading
I think for the most part we all want to love our parents and have their support for the decisions we make in our life. We can only hope that they will change and support us but if they do not, then you have to do what is best for you and your own health. You are the one that has to live with the decision you made and you should be proud of it.
I definitely will. I have them already scheduled for the next 6 months. In additional to working with the nutritionist and the nurse practitioner I have my own counselor as well. Emotionally and physically in looking forward to being in a better place. Thanks