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Im New Here

Hi Alice, awesome achievement! Congrats.

What kind of activity level are you at? Are you exercising regularly, and if so - what types? Are you getting some sunshine? Taking your vitamin regimen every day? You are obviously eating the right amount of calories - what kind of calories are they? Are you getting good nutrition, lots of fruits and veggies? You have a partner / friend / family member to keep you motivated and active and interested in whats next?

I had no energy until I forced myself to start exercising, mostly because I started feeling like a deflated balloon and could visibly see muscle loss. A couple weeks of struggle, then the energy came. Now I'm doing a lot...running at least 3 days per week; weight lifting 3 days weekly, and then cycling 1-2 weekly along with walking 2-3 miles 2-3 days weekly. Sounds like a lot, but it's an hour or less per day on average. And now I have so much energy I want to do more and more, and actually restrain myself in fear of overdoing and injury. When I wake up I am ready to go...and I'm alert all day long until bed time when I crash like a rock. This is so cliche, but I feel better right now than I can every remember feeling; maybe I'm only now just starting to really pay attention.
Hi Everyone, it's been a year for me and I'm down a 103lbs, but I'm just wondering if anyone has any feedback on what I can do for energy. I just have been feeling so tired, any suggestions please
I wish I had a good answer for you but I am wondering the same thing myself right now. For the past several weeks I had been very low energy and wanting a nap about midday. After this first week back to work, I'm completely wiped out! I exercise five days a week, I take my b12, my last blood test just a couple of months ago showed that all of my levels are excellent.... I'm just dragging. This week I did start taking my b12 vitamin a little after midday instead of first thing in the morning and that has helped a little bit. But I do think I will try Taxman's advice and maybe add some protein around the same time I do the b12 vitamin and see what happens with that. It certainly can't hurt to try :)