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Lightheaded dizzy blurry vision 11 days post-op

I just experienced blurred vision, I believe it can be a symptom of some deficiencies, I went to the eye doctor, who was no help at all and tried to sell me new glasses! My eyes were so bad, I had to leave work because I couldn’t read. I ended up being really ill with a bowel obstruction that required another surgery, just got home today. Blurred vision has now gone.
I’m not suggesting you have what I had as there are other, more obvious symptoms, but it may be a sign that something is off, so I would call your surgeon’s office and check with them, and perhaps get some blood work done.
Good luck!
Soooo, I have had dizzy spells for 3 weeks. Contacted bariatric surgeon, they ran labs and they all look fine. Blood pressure is fine. Sugars are acceptable, between 100 and 130. They have no clue what is causing it. I contacted my PCP (primary care physician) and she did a physical and couldn't find anything wrong except for an inner ear disturbance. She had the nurse aid clean my ear out by shooting water and hydrogen peroxide into it. This was 10 days ago. Doc said dizziness should go away in a week or 2 but it hasn't yet. Will keep y'all updated if I find a solution. My vision has been fine.
Annie, did you see the post from WitchyWoman about her husband's hearing problems?

Her questions sent me to a NIH site where eustacian tube involvement after significant weight loss was being studied. You know dizziness is usually sited in the inner ear. You might find an answer by seeing an otologyst. Print out the page from the NIH if you go, give them a map where to look.

I always get extremely dizzy when I have a sinus infection because my ears are always involved. Maybe your problem is in your inner ear & will pass with time. Anyway, best wishes & good luck.
Anyone else experiencing these symptoms? All day I'm light-headed dizzy and my vision is blurry! I'm texting right now with one eye open just to read what I'm texting. 11 days post-op and I had the RYGB done
I had some slight blurry vision and was feeling light headed as well in the first few days after surgery. BTW - I'm 11 days out too. When I finally got all of my vitamins and started taking them things started to get right. I hope things change soon for you.
I am 8 days post op and noticed blurred vision during the pre op diet and after surgery. Dr said it shouldn’t be a side effect and he didn’t think it’s an issue that would last or be of any concern. I just went to a little stronger reading glass strength and bingo chingo. I was prescribed nausea meds but so far no nausea or dizziness.
Thought I'd update this thread. My Dr referred me to physical therapy for my dizziness. Unfortunately their first available appointment was 6 weeks away and by that time the dizziness had improved. I asked PT and my Dr both if the dizziness was related to the surgery or weight loss and they did not know. Wish I had a better answer!