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My family is totally against my choice to have revision surgery from band to bypass.


New Member
I am having revision surgery on May 30th my kids and brother are not supporting my decision at all. I lost weight and did good with the band but my heartburn was out of control and I kept getting growths on my esophagus so they took out the fluid and I now weight what I did when I got the band. I am so over my weight problem and at the end of my rope. I am already afraid I will fail and they only reinforce that because I gained the weight back.
I am already afraid I will fail and they only reinforce that because I gained the weight back.
Why are you giving other people the power over you? It's your body. It's your problem. You sound like you're having a lot of health problems and having the revision surgery is a necessary way to restore you to health. So f*ck 'em. They don't have the right to tell you what to do. They don't know anything about what you are going through . They should be ashamed of themselves for what they are doing to you. Stop listening to them.

The fact that you are listening to them is very possibly a symptom of your disease, which is obesity, which is fatal. Take control of your life and look for a local support group where you can actually talk to somebody face to face. The band is a very bad tool that is now routinely replaced in people who developed serious medical problems, or died, because of it. Run, don't walk, to your nearest bariatric surgeon and have the surgery you are being advised to have by a medical professional. It's a no-brainer.

And for God's sake, get a therapist who specializes in obesity and eating disorders. Let that therapist give you love and support and let that therapist help you build the internal strength you need to do what is best for you. You are a creature of God who deserves the best of everything on Earth just like every other creature of God. Your brother and kids sound like a bunch of polluted, deluded people who spend too much time gossiping about reality TV.

Sorry. I'm in a bad mood today. But what I am saying comes from my heart. I can just hear them, urging you to fail. How many more invasive awful procedures do you want to go through while you remain obese and in danger of losing your life?

We don't even know you but we are all here to give your love and support because there's nothing that you have gone through that we can't relate to. And among the population of this group you will find people who have lost hundreds of pounds and kept it off for decades. You will find people who had chronic health problems who are now hiking mountains. You will find people who were suicidal now want nothing more than to get up everyday and greet the Sun.
don't let them talk you out of it if you really want it. I would just say ok and walk away. Let them think they won. You only gain because they took the liquid out. The bypass is basically the same thing but it is forever. It will help you will the acid reflux as well. If you really want it, you will not let them talk you down.
I had the Bariatric Sleeve on March 27th, I never experienced so much GERD until after the surgery, it’s so uncomfortable, what can I get to help with this, Also, the Bariatric Fusion vitamins makes me gagg, I need a good chewable?? Just entertaining ideas!
these are these are the things we have all had to face. We use our new knowledge of food can make it work for us. If we are nauseated or otherwise can't take in the food we need maybe we drink broth it is a slow uptake of information and no two people do it the same way. No rushing. Get better vitamins. Don't make it harder on yourself than it already is.
I am having revision surgery on May 30th my kids and brother are not supporting my decision at all. I lost weight and did good with the band but my heartburn was out of control and I kept getting growths on my esophagus so they took out the fluid and I now weight what I did when I got the band. I am so over my weight problem and at the end of my rope. I am already afraid I will fail and they only reinforce that because I gained the weight back.
i just
i just had tbe band taken out in dec and had a gastric bypass on 4/17 . when my band was removed gained 30 pou d in a month and was miserable , i had 7 surgeries with band and my family was not suppotive until i told them how miserable and shitty i felt with the extra weight , dont let anyone change ur mind i am so happy i did the surgery i have lost 18 lbs since the 17th !!! let me know if u have any questions
I had the Bariatric Sleeve on March 27th, I never experienced so much GERD until after the surgery, it’s so uncomfortable, what can I get to help with this, Also, the Bariatric Fusion vitamins makes me gagg, I need a good chewable?? Just entertaining ideas!
Bariatric Advantage has a pretty good chewable vitamin. Ask your nutritionist for vitamin samples. Mine gave my many different kinds to try.
It is called the goodie bag. I got mine on my last appointment with the surgeon. They have alot of good stuff in there. They even gave me my first bowl and little spoon.
After a little experimentation and label reading I settled on Trader Joe's Women's High Potency Chewable Vitamins. At first I chewed them and tasted them and thought they had a nice light lemony flavor. After a while I started to not like the flavor. So I used a wire trimmer or a thick toenail clippers to cut through the tabs and make them into 8 pieces each. I throw this mess in my mouth and chew until everything is the same size and I have created enough saliva to swallow. After I swallow them I drink about a cup of water. I came up with this idea independently but I bet other people do this around the world. Anyway as I have said many times, my metabolic panels reveal outstanding results, indicating more than adequate levels of all vitamins minerals and nutrients. I am 7 years out from surgery and have had no issues related to surgery.