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One week out of surgery

Follow-up is essential to success. But I think your mind is trying to stay on track. It's common in most changes from routine. You wired your brain into eating a certain amount at a certain time, or even to eat when associated with any event.

You can take away the food, but that doesn't take away the desire. If the desire isn't addressed, it kicks the brain into overdrive, asking why why why where is it I want it, and it won't stop until you answer its nagging question.

The way I deal with a nagging brain is to participate in the conversation. It's like dealing with a screaming toddler. They never stop screaming until you engage them.

How you do that is particular to you. Sometimes the only solution is to nibble on something safe and hope that's enough.

But a lot of the time it's better to scream into your pillow until you wear yourself out. The food addiction is more powerful than alcoholism because even though you can stop drinking, you can't stop eating.

I use self-talk, focusing on affirmations, but negatives work, too. The classic tool of displaying a pair of 2X jeans or a dress you could now use as a pup tent are great visuals. But it may be that nothing works except aching and obsessing, letting it exist and feeling the pain.

Just don't give in to it.

Cravings are part of life, in every category. Try not to give more power to a craving than to an affirmation.

We're here for you. We understand.
I personally did not have a lot of cravings in the beginning, but I know others have had a very hard time in the beginning. Are you actually hungry or is it just your mind craving food because you can't have it? Either way, it never hurts to talk to your doctor. A large part of the changes you'll go through with WLS is adjusting your relationship with food to be one of healthy balance. That mental adjustment does not happen overnight, regardless of what physical changes came about through surgery. I really would not suggest eating actual food though, as it will most likely make you sick so soon.
I have not had anything sugary or starchy or too fatty. I am so scared of the dumping that I have not wanted anything bad enough to chance it. I can't be sick when I am at work. I have too many meeting and that would not be cool to leave because I ate something wrong. I think and hope this feeling last for a long long time because I don't want to know how much is too much. I have to be careful the time and what I eat at work because I do get sick right after I eat at times. Chicken does this to me the most I am getting to the point I don't even know if I like chicken any more. It has made me in pain so many times that it is not a go to food now. I would say try to get your self past wanting foods you should not have. If you do I hope you do not get sick. Good Luck
Turkey is better for you, nutritionally. Try switching and look for recipes that feature turkey with no carb sides. Eat slowly, chew until its well-broken down. I have a recipe where I add turkey, cranberry sauce, potato flakes, cooked yams, real broth and pulverize it in a blender. It's my favorite thing and can be earen ad soon as you reach solid food.

I also blend fruit and Magic Milk (search in forum) with protein powder and drink it like a smoothie.

There are so many ways you can begin the solid food stage. But the best way is to combine in smoothies. You get the added benefit of imagine you're having a milkshake (without straws).

Assemble your ingredients and make combinations.

But chicken is a paltry substitute for turkey. Keep a list handy on your cell phone and obey it. Get in all your required protein in the first few meals you make and then you can just go nuts and eat anything you want within reason.

Dont eat chicken if you don't like it. Eating healthy foods should make you happy.
Hi Kari.
I am 4 weeks post op and I have felt "cravings and hunger" but I jokingly say I am head hungry not tummy hungry. It's hard, no doubt. I sympathize with you. No magic answer I don't think but I would agree, it's just taking a minute to truly think about why you did this and your ultimate goals.
Diane, do you have the nutritional information for the magic milk? I found the recipe, but I cannot seem to import an accurate serving size nutritional info into my app.

I haven't broken it down, but its like a double-serving of the nutrients. I'm horrible with math but it should be pretty easy to figure out by reading the labels.

I wish I could be more helpful but i can tell you my nutritionist is the one who gave me the recipe and told me to use it instead of water in smoothies, potatoes and creamy cereals.