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Our babies

These lovely girls belong to me and my roommate. The Siamese is my Chava (Hava) and the lovely long hair (Missy) is my roommates. She is our inspecter. Any new box or bag brought into the house must be sat or laid on to give her stamp of approval. And she talks back giving attitude. She learned that from her original owner (former roommate). It was a toss up. Roommate-cat, cat-roommate? Got rid of the roommate and kept cat. But, as you can see, they spend alot of down time, but you should see them in action. They turn the house into a race track. Lol


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These lovely girls belong to me and my roommate. The Siamese is my Chava (Hava) and the lovely long hair (Missy) is my roommates. She is our inspecter. Any new box or bag brought into the house mloopust be sat or laid on to give her stamp of approval. And she talks back giving attitude. She learned that from her original owner (former roommate). It was a toss up. Roommate-cat, cat-roommate? Got rid of the roommate and kept cat. But, as you can see, they spend alot of down time, but you should see them in action. They turn the house into a race track. Lol
Beautiful babies!