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Hi everyone, I’m 3 years post gastric bypass surgery; just found this site & appreciate any feedback. I’ve kept the weight off pretty well; my highest weight was 259 at surgery; lowest weight since was 150, have hovered between 155-159 for last 7 months. My concern is sometimes experiencing severe abdominal and stomach pain. I’ve been to my doctor, have had an endoscopy and colonoscopies showing no problems, which I’m thankful for. I don’t ever drink carbonated drinks, no alcohol, never use a straw, never eat popcorn and very few nuts, but wonder if I’m unconsciously gulping too much air, I do feel sure I’ve eaten too fast a few times…so trying to be very aware if eating slower and chewing much more.
I am wondering if sucralose is a culprit. I’ve been drinking water but not as much as I should, love the Lipton sugar free peach tea.
I do think the sucralose is causing some diarrhea. Thanks for any helpful comments & tips! Blessings to all.
wow, what a puzzle. Seems you've tried everything already.

Try laying down on a very flat surface, like the floor. This will allow the widest spread of your abdominal organs. Then, poke in a pattern so you don't miss an inch of area, all over your body, from the bottom of your sternum all the way down to your pubis. Push in until you feel significant pain, not just annoyance, but actual pain. When you locate it, palpate all around it, even curling your fingers to get under whatever organ you're examining.

If you do this and it reveals a tender spot, go back to your doc. Don't get another manual test; get an x-ray or ultrasound based on your discovery.

If you can rule out an obstruction, you can move on to more serious possibilities.

Don't try to diagnose yourself. Help the medical professional by sharing what you can find out.

I want to point something out using your post as an example. After having bariatric surgery, if something goes wrong abdominally or digestively, we might automatically go to the surgery as the cause of our problem. You should NEVER do this, even if the pain is in your stomach. Let a doctor have a look.
Well that's good news about the scopes. But, they only check the colon and esophagus, so that leaves a LOT of area to be covered. Also, not all abdominal pain is related to WLS, so its important they check other things as well.

Abdominal pain can be anything, so keep going to the doctor until they find the issue Have they done bloodwork to check liver enzymes or infection? You don't mention where the pain is located. Tell them exactly, as that can determine what the issue is. Lower right abdominal pain is often appendix, as an example (and not a medical diagnosis!!)
Abdominal pain. have you been checked for uterus/ovary problems. I had an ovarian cyst in my left ovary the size of a lemon that was very painful. i had always had very painful monthly cycles, so it was determined at 35 years I had endometriosis and went through a hysterectomy. Times have changed and there are treatments for endo… now. Just another direction to look into.
Excellent excellent advice in the above posts. One more suggestion is adding a fiber supplement to your daily routine. Benefiber mixes clear & tasteless in any liquid. Metamucil turns into a "lovely" gel in your digestive system, which helps pull out items lingering in your colon. This is especially helpful for people with diverticulosis, which when inflamed, becomes diverticulitis.

Definitely keep working with medical staff to get to the bottom of your pain.