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CAPSULES THAT ARE MADE OF GEL FABRIC ARE BAD, BAD, BAD. Do not take them, Any doc worth his/her salt will recommend chrewables, and they are super easy to get.
Absolutely follow your teams instructions on capsules. I pulled my capsules and poured the contents into a spoonful of yogurt. For 6 months, because that's how long I was given lol
The rules may vary from doctor to doctor. But I figured I trusted mine to rearrange my insides, I should probably listen to his advice.
Capsules can be made of a combination of plastics and gelatins. They should never be consumed until the villi in the intestines is completely in sync with your new digestive system. Mu little sister had a horrible run-in with hers, leading to a spastic colon.
Best to listen to what your surgical team recommends. As for me, I did exactly the same as missyinacage writes above. (pouring capsule contents into a spoon of yogurt). I was able to swallow pills at 3 months but that was cleared by my surgical team.
Best to listen to what your surgical team recommends. As for me, I did exactly the same as missyinacage writes above. (pouring capsule contents into a spoon of yogurt). I was able to swallow pills at 3 months but that was cleared by my surgical team.
I am doing exactly what my surgeon has told me to do. I was just curious as to what everyone else has been told about capsules and why a bariatric website would say differently.
My surgeon’s nurse told our group not to swallow pills for 3 months. However, I read that you can swallow capsules at 3 weeks. Anyone have experience with this?
Guess what everyone…I just had my first follow up with my surgeon and was told that I can swallow pills and capsules now at 2 weeks.
CAPSULES THAT ARE MADE OF GEL FABRIC ARE BAD, BAD, BAD. Do not take them, Any doc worth his/her salt will recommend chrewables, and they are super easy to get.
I have 2 capsules that do not come in chewable because they are prescriptions. I have to open them up and swallow them. The one taste so horrible I hate taking it. Nothing masks the taste either…nasty
Ask your medical professionals if there are alternatives. And what I said before about get capsules that are filled with powdered medicine was very limited. However, sometimes the plastic/gel material is very hard to digest and can cause physical problems leading to surgical intervention. If you look at the villi of your intinstines, you can see how cozily those pills can slide into those compartments and often, they just don't come out wiithout surgical intervention.But ask your team! Our teams are generally much smarter than that so don't be embarrassed to ask for an alternative.
Ask your medical professionals if there are alternatives. And what I said before about get capsules that are filled with powdered medicine was very limited. However, sometimes the plastic/gel material is very hard to digest and can cause physical problems leading to surgical intervention. If you look at the villi of your intinstines, you can see how cozily those pills can slide into those compartments and often, they just don't come out wiithout surgical intervention.But ask your team! Our teams are generally much smarter than that so don't be embarrassed to ask for an alternative.
My team are the ones that told me I could now swallow pills and capsules…they were wrong. I called them and they told me to wait another week. I’m waiting way longer than that!
I just had RYGB Aug 2. I have had no nausea yet, PTL. I only remember them saying smaller than the tip of my pinky was ok. So I have one capsule prescription that is tiny that I swallow, and tylenol tablets are about as big as I swallow. There is one large capsule that I open and dump in my juice/water to take. It is gross and a little gritty but not taking it forever thank goodness. I am overwelmed by just how many prescriptions and vitamins I have to take all day. It is a lot, so be prepared, organize your list and how often they are to be taken so you don't forget any. I look forward to them dropping off and not having so many to keep up with over time.
So glad that I read this thread, I called and talked to the dietician. She said I should not take any capsules for 1 month. She said the healing digestive track cannot break down capsules so I wasn't getting the full if any benefits of the pain med in capsule form I tried to take, so I stopped that Rx altogether, it was optional in the first place. I was happy to have one less med to take. I was also glad I had been opening the other two since they are more vital anyway.