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plowing the field

"No farmer ever plowed a field by turning it over in her mind."

When the wheels turn in our head, they won't go anywhere without our help. Intentions are just that unless we act on them, and often, we don't.


A few of the reasons are fear; laziness; we don't believe we can succeed; we don't know where to start; or we let others talk us out of them.

Some of us have a tendency to be scattered in our interests and find it hard to stick to one thing before scurrying on to the next one. We need to be focused long enough to see something through, and this may take some going against the grain.

As we resist negative messages our minds aren't so muddled and preoccupied with things from the past. This frees us to concentrate on the here and now, and to use our energies to turn our intentions into deeds.


That's today's affirmation from "Gentle Reminders," one of the many affirmation books I have. I don't read the affirmation on every dated page, but I cracked it open today because I'm trapped in a circle of low-self-esteem and talking with my therapist a few days ago, followed by calling a peer crisis line yesterday, didn't break through the hard clay of resistance of my inner voice.

See, my mother lives in my head. Rent-free, too. And she just won't shut the fuck up unless I counter her voice with the lovely choir of therapists and teachers and ministers and friends who have supported me through so much sadness.

So the heart of the message is FOCUS. That's something we all need to do. And the beauty part of focusing is that it speaks so loudly to your stubbornness that soon, it becomes the message you want to hear.

I hope that helps someone as much as it helped me today.
I love that. I may hang that first line on my fridge. 'Im glad that it gave you some needed perspective today and hope you kicked your mom out of your head. For now at least.

Why is it that the bad memories come back so much more often and clearly than any good ones?!? That's not to say you have good memories of your mother. Just a general observation on the mind. It saddens me that anything negative said to us seems to stick and is so easily & quickly believed and internalized. To the point that we start saying those awful things to ourselves. This was a great reminder to take action to treat yourself well.

I've had to remind myself lately that self-care involves more than pedicures and spa days. It involves strengthening your body and your mind. Feeding them both with things that truly nourish you.