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Purée food Stage



Post Op visit on 10-05-2020!!! Hopefully I can get approved to do 15-30 minutes of walking...
Puree food suggestions needed!!!
Hey There, I’m 11 weeks post op. My dr had me do 6 weeks liquid, 4 weeks purée and I’m on my first week of soft. Purée was the most difficult because the thought of eating puréed food would turn my stomach so i kept up with my protein shakes and yogurt, I did tuna fish and egg salad that was two things I could eat that was mushy. I also did scrambled Eggs and black bean soup. Some things I have found that work great and taste great
1.Oikos triple zero yogurt 90 cal, 15 protein
2.Light and fit collagen and antioxidants yogurt
90 cal, 15 protein
3. Chobani Complete yogurt shake
Cal 190 protein 25
4 premiere protein individual bottles
Chocolate or cafe late
160 cal, 30 protein
I did a few times of mashed potatoes but I started a bad habit with them so I had to cut them out
Hope this helps.
and good luck
I did mashed sweet potatoes, mashed butternut squash, and refried beans. Most veggies and beans are good pureed with a little broth. If you slow cook chicken you can pretty much mash it up to be puree texture without blending it cuz blended meat is gross (imho) . And slow cooked chicken is super versatile. I like to cook it with salsa & taco seasoning. Or you can add a packet of dry Italian dressing seasoning mix and a bit of cream cheese (when the chicken is done cooking) YUM.
why are you not allowed to walk? They wanted me up moving as much as possible. I have a seasonal camper so was busy with that and active there until Oct 1st but since we closed that up and have been home I have been trying to take a daily walk that is about 1.5 miles a day. Once I can comfortably do that i will add to it. One side of the walk (its a loop) is up and down hills for a little extra work
I have to tell you a funny story about my pureed food stage. I was in the hospital and then rehab during it because I had complications after my surgery. When in the hospital, the pureed wasn't too bad considering it was pureed food. I could tell one meal was pureed meatloaf with gravy and mashed potatoes. That actually hit the spot that day, another day was pureed chicken, eh... not as good. But the real ridiculous stuff was when I was transferred to rehab (I had severe edema - 40 lbs worth!)... They gave me pureed waffles, pureed pasta, even pureed pizza which was so gross. I couldn't wait to get out of there! It's the one time I could say that hospital food was actually better!
That's hilarious! My dad used to mix all his food in a big glop on his plate. It looked so gross and we'd always be saying Ewww, how can you do that? He'd say, "It all goes to the same place anyway."

still, as we know, each food has its own flavor and that's the best way to enjoy your meal.

How has your post-op experience been? Weight loss? Improvements in health?
That's hilarious! My dad used to mix all his food in a big glop on his plate. It looked so gross and we'd always be saying Ewww, how can you do that? He'd say, "It all goes to the same place anyway."

still, as we know, each food has its own flavor and that's the best way to enjoy your meal.

How has your post-op experience been? Weight loss? Improvements in health?

That is funny Diane. And there are some people who freak out if different foods touch each other on their plate!! I'm doing well, was at the doctor on Friday. I thought I might be behind the average person because of the complications I had but they said I was right where I should be. I know I have to exercise more though. I'll get there!
In my pureed stage I stuck to sugar free pudding cups, light greek yogurts, and lots of soups like cream of mushroom, cream of chicken, broccoli & cheese, chicken noodle. And of course, protein shakes was my go-to for protein - I liked and still use the premier shakes.

While I'm typing this now it sounds like I had a very tiny selection but at no time did I look at my options in anguish wishing I had better choices...I ate mostly out of obligation to eat, not because I was hungry.