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Suggestions for reaching 1200 calories


hi all! I'm 3 months out from sleeve surgery, and at my latest doctor appointment, they wanted me to be reaching 1200 calories a day already. Physically, I don't yet know I am capable of it. Did anyone out there also have their doctor advise them to reach 1200 calories daily so soon after surgery and do you have any tips on nutritious foods/recipes to hit such a goal? Generally, I have an oikos pro yogurt for breakfast, a chobani yogurt high protein smoothie for lunch, and then a sensible dinner (mostly seafood with some veggies). I told my doctor a good compromise might be adding an extra 100 calories each month to work towards 1200 calories.....she said she wants me to increase it soon, because as time passes, the body adjusts to that lower caloric level, and next year with more calories may lead to some weight gain. I appreciate any thoughts/ideas from your experiences!!
I couldn't do it without adding sugar or some other low-nutrition/high-junk food. We have a lot of stories here like yours, but I think most people are brought along much more slowly through a long liquid/puree/soft foods transition. We can compare experiences, but your best bet is to say "Really? You want me at 1200 calories already?" and then get into a discussion that will help you feel comfortable.
You're most welcome. I know that among the nutritional guidance I was given in the seven-year post op study I was drafted into at the hospital, the numbers for women of my height (5'3") were between 900 and 1100 calories a day. Men are allowed more, but unless you're an Olympic athlete, a woman should only eat what she can burn in a day, and very few women can expend 1200 calories. I mean, there really has to be a gym involved, you know?

And one thing I've read repeatedly is that you WILL gain back some of the weight you lost to surgery, and sometimes a significant amount. My focus was on being healthy and maintaining my youthful health, which is what I did, with the help of WLS. I don't even want to eat the way I used to. My internal food furnace wants a balanced diet, and thank god for my pouch, so I can eat freely without overeating.

Keep it up, mam, you know what's best for you!
You can look up your caloric intake by age, weight, height and activity level online. Please do not take calorie suggestions from us. Please. We are not qualified to be dispensing medical advice about your bodies caloric needs. And again, if you want to check facts about how many calorie a woman's body burns there are multiple calculators online from many reputable sources.

That being said, don't add ice cream lol However it does sound like you could add a few healthy foods to your diet. Have an afternoon snack. Add some fresh fruit, an ounce of nuts or even a bit of granola to your breakfast yogurt. (Careful with granola. Some have an obscene amount of calories and sugar!) Add a TBSP of PB fit, actual peanut butter or avocado to your smoothie. Add a small serving of beans to your dinner. An ounce of almonds has 170 calories. (you can also buy them in prepared 100 calories packs) 1T of PB has 90. 1/2 of an avocado has 150. All also have healthy fats, protein and fiber. (your diet seems to be lacking in fiber?) A medium banana, apple or 1/2 C beans all have about 100. And more fiber lol

You can also ask your nutritionist for recommendations.
Thank you so much for your ideas, Missyinacage! Today I had a check in with my PCP and when I told her what the surgeon's PA recommendation was she said "well you're not losing weight that quickly, I would advise you to keep doing what you are doing". She is very weight focused and just wants me at 160! Well I have a ways to go (if I ever get there!). I am 5'6 so I will slowly add extra calories to rebuild up towards 1200 daily. I like your suggestions! I will say one thing that hasn't changed with me is that my brain gets triggered by photos of food/recipes, I have to work hard at controlling those triggers!!
Gee my team had issues with my protein intake too low. At my 2 year (feb 15) visit it was not enough milk And not enough meat protein. I am not staying focused enough right now but I will be sorting things out as I restructure my house to me after husbands passing. A lot is passing his foods to others. Especially stuff I can’t eat.