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Surgery is in 2 weeks

Congrats on your upcoming surgery! And welcome to the group :). The next couple of weeks are going to be crazy, lol. I feel like it is common that while on the pre-op diet you will experience hunger. If you haven't gotten a list of things you can eat in between meals and you find yourself getting hungry, check with your surgeon or nutritionist to see what options are available to you. Most dr's allow sugar free (SF) jello, SF pudding, & SF popsicles. But again, ok this with your team because all dr's are different in their restrictions and requirements (for example I was allowed to eat unlimited mushrooms.... ). It is great to have some hobbies/activities ready to occupy your mind. Reading, walking, knitting, puzzles, coloring, etc. can all help divert your attention from wanting to eat whether it is because you are actually hungry or because you have been triggered by something so you want food for comfort. Keep as busy as you can to help the time fly by.

Your nerves will likely be all over the place. I can remember being extremely excited but also scared/nervous of the unknown. Try not to worry over problems that have not and may not ever happen. Take things a day at a time. Keep reminding yourself why you are doing this and what is the risk if you don't. For most people, they would agree that it is worth it in the long run. I know that just sounds like something you should say (that is what I thought before surgery), but you will see it is true. I am almost 4 months post surgery and already I feel like I couldn't be happier with the decision I made.

It will be an emotional roller coaster from now until who knows when. This is all about training your brain to enjoy a new way of looking at food. It is there to help you live and survive, but you have to train your brain that food no longer controls you. It is hard and you will probably want to rebel at that thought, or many other thoughts that will come to you in the future. Be prepared and know that it will not be that hard for long. On my 7th day after surgery, I was doing great. No complications, and I was meeting my fluid intake and protein goals. But my mind said "ENOUGH!" I refused to take my vitamins that day, didn't drink the protein drinks, and only got in about half of the fluids. But my brain needed a break and there was nothing that could have forced me to do those things. I wallowed in my misery for the rest of that day and the next morning I was back to normal. Expect days like these. They are normal. Embrace them as a part of you journey. Every day is a new day and the next day will be better.

I wish you the best of luck on this journey! We are all here for you and can't wait to hear how everything goes. Feel free to reach out with questions and concerns at any time. We have been through it, are going through it, or will go through it at some point. We've got your back :)