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Unhealthy plumbing :-(


So my EGD/colonoscopy was a smorgasbord of problems.

Blood in my stomach. An unusual growth on my soft palate. Transverse colon riddled with polyps, a Hiatal hernia and a slew of hemorrhoids that I didn't even know were there.

They're testing for H. Pylori which would attribute to several symptoms.

Am I still a candidate for bariatric based on what you know?
These are very serious concerns, but don't let them alarm you. Every serious illness has a treatment. Many serious ailments have a cure. I have no idea what your doctor will do but most likely you will be treated for all these things and surgery will go on as planned.
So my EGD/colonoscopy was a smorgasbord of problems.

Blood in my stomach. An unusual growth on my soft palate. Transverse colon riddled with polyps, a Hiatal hernia and a slew of hemorrhoids that I didn't even know were there.

They're testing for H. Pylori which would attribute to several symptoms.

Am I still a candidate for bariatric based on what you know?
Wow! I'm sorry so much is going sideways for you but very grateful they found it and can work on fixing it all. Like Diane said, they will work to cure you and proceed once it is safe. Getting healthy is just starting from a different point for you than others. You've got this :)