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Hey, everyone. I love looking at everyone's comments and seeing by their trackers how well they're doing. (Looking at you CNL lol) However, I'd love to hear some updates of just how you're feeling now. We get a lot of newbie updates. How are you all feeling 1 month out, 2, 6?!? I'd love to know and I think it would be good for the newest members to know as well.
I am 11 weeks out and down almost 45 pounds. I have gone from a 2X (20-22W) to a L top and XL pants. My tracking app is "LoseIt" and I am faithful to it. I track everything that goes in my mouth and record my weight every a.m. so I get all the stats I want for learning about my progress (not bc I am obsessed about the scale), The app calculates my daily and avg nutrition data to share with my doctor and tells me i have lost an average of ?? lbs/week, my avg weight for the past 10 days, etc., so I can see in numbers how my progress has been going which keeps me motivated. I also can see my daily nutrition is being met which combats any cravings that pop up from family enjoying things around me, if it doesn't fit in I don't indulge but if I have room in carbs and fat grams for the day and I want a bite of pizza crust (ie.) I just choose to allow it and record it if I really want to. I am no longer out of control with binge eating like I was pre-surgery. I just am not hungry and feel full very easily. The prescribed portion size is spot on or even too much. One benefit is my 2 dogs love to beg from me and are always willing to finish my meal when I prepare more than I can eat and it doesn't go to waste. I feel good most of the time as I learn my personal sensitivities and tendencies. There have been some difficult experiences but a reliable support system has helped me not feel alone or unreasonable when I have questioned myself. Thank you everyone who is going through this with me on here, you are so important to my journey!
Hey, everyone. I love looking at everyone's comments and seeing by their trackers how well they're doing. (Looking at you CNL lol) However, I'd love to hear some updates of just how you're feeling now. We get a lot of newbie updates. How are you all feeling 1 month out, 2, 6?!? I'd love to know and I think it would be good for the newest members to know as well.
Thank you Missy, and you have done very well also! I feel amazing! My knee pain when i walk is almost (key word almost) nonexistent. I have more energy, can walk farther and longer, no longer wear a CPAP at night, my A1C is sitting at 5.3 instead of pre diabetes 5.7, my cholesterol is at 188 down from 230, my blood pressure went down, and I feel much more confident in my own skin! I feel better mentally also because I like myself again. I have not had any negative effects from the surgery except losing hair, and I know it will grow back. I have not regretted getting the sleeve and wish i did it 10 years ago! I like looking at all the profile pics people post as they continue their journey! Such a big difference! I also like looking at the tickers, i wish more people would use them but they are not easy to figure out on this website. Also, looking at pictures people have posted gives me continued encouragement! Post your pictures people!!!
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I'm now 11 months post-op. I have lost 95 pounds, 264-169, I went from 3x - large tops and size 24 - 14 pants. I haven't been that low since just after high school. I'm 49 years old and very happy I did the gastric bypass surgery. Some days its hard. I still eat when I get bored, just fruit, cheese, peanuts, and more protein filled snacks. I eat a lot of chicken. As long as it's not dry I'm ok. I need to exercise but haven't started yet. I'm off my blood pressure meds and my heartbeat isn't sitting at 90 bpm resting, it's now averaging 68 bpm. My back doesn't hurt when I walk and I can go upstairs without breathing heavy. My husband was very supportive my parents were worried and didn't really want me to do the surgery. Eventually they got on board and are happy with the results. I've been very lucky. The first few weeks sucked. I'm such a picky eater it was difficult finding food I can eat during liquid and soft stage. So happy when solid food was back.