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When did you go back to work?

I am taking a week. I have a 5 lb weight restriction for one week then 15 pounds after that for several weeks. I am praying I can do this. I basically walk around, sit, type, and I can do many things that are within the 15 lb limit. Did anyone here go back after a week?
Here’s my dilemma…. I’ve been working and waiting over a year for this surgery. I am a nurse and I am scheduled to work Christmas. My surgery is scheduled for 12/15. I am in a position in which I don’t have to lift or move people. I am afraid if there is a complication I will have to be out through Christmas.
Did anyone here go back to work after week? This is laparoscopic RNY.
Thank you!
I had robotic assisted RNY on Mon 9/12 and was back at my desk the following Monday. I work in healthcare as surgical scheduler so it’s a desk job, nothing physical. I was fine, just started to get tired by mid-afternoon. I expected to maybe half to just do half days, but was able to work my normal full-time schedule and saved my PTO.
I’m a nurse as well, but work in a busy ER. I took 6 weeks off due to lift restrictions and inability to take breaks. I’m glad I took the time off because I was really overwhelmed after surgery with getting my fluids and protein in. I couldn’t imagine having to figure that out and work as well, with my fast paced job. If you basically have a desk job and don’t exceed restrictions, you should be okay. Focus on rest, fluids and protein when you can!