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Where to start?


New Member
Hi, I'm new to this website and hope that I will be allowed to cry on someone's shoulder.....sorry to be starting off like this. I had my weight loss surgery in January 2007. I had lost down from 256 to 140 but have gained back up to 162....that was my weight last Thursday (2/21) when I was weighed at a doctors office. I have been under alot of stress the past year or so...I'll explain...and I know that I am finding "comfort" with food but don't know how to stop. Let me explain, my husband and I were awarded custody of 2 of our grandchildren (ages 6 and 4) June 2012 and, although I know it's best for them, it has me extremly stressed. I also work in a busy office at a university and my boss seems to think I sit around waiting for her to give me things to do...so not true.....and I feel very overwhelmed at times and that has me very stressed as well. I'm also currently working to overcome severe depression.....to the point of being suicidal. I've been seeing a doctor about that and I'm on medication which seems to be helping but, one of the side effects can be weight gain. I told my doctor that I was gaining weight and he told me DO NOT stop taking the medication. Please know that I'm not asking for medical advice and I don't intend to stop the medication but I don't know what to do to stop the weight gain. I'm stressed right now and want so bad to stick a mint or something in my mouth but I'm trying to resist. I know I am probably rambling and leaving alot of important information out but don't have alot of time to say a whole lot. Can anyone give me any suggestions on how to stop being hungry all the time? I'm walking when I can....try to every day...but not able to go as far as I'd like because of the children. I usually walk a mile each day or at least every other day. I've GOT to get this extra weight back off!!!!!! I'm seriously considering buying Phentermine...a weigh loss pill.....off of the internet.
Dear Donna:
I know how debilitating depression can be and I too, am an emotional eater, so I can certainly sympathize with you about having that issue. I am sorry for all of the added stress you are having right now and you have to begin taking care of you now so that you can begin the process of parenting your two precious grandchildren. You are certainly being tested at every front! So, if you could take a deep breath, remember that you are a survivor and that you are brave, you can do it again. Maybe you could take little steps like going back to your protein drinks and your pre-surgery diet for a few months? Also, get help with what you are going through. There are so many great Center's of Excellence out there whom I know could help you. There are also support groups for parents who are raising their grandchildren. Work, is work, and there will always be problems there, lol! I wish you the best of luck this weekend and go out and buy some sugar-free gum, jello, popsicles, and puddings! You KNOW how to do this! -Laurie Ann
Here's the grandparent forum: http://www.dailystrength.org/c/Grandparents-Raising-Children/forum
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Where to start

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I feel I already know everything you said but it sure helps to hear it from someone.

Thanks again,

Hi Donna,
I have dealt with depression/anxiety my entire life and have taken several different medications. The one medication that has really helped me the most and has not caused weight gain is Lexipro. Hope that might be helpful.