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5/31/2024 RNY


Hello! Just looking to start a group for those who are having surgery on or around 5/31/24, so we can share similar experiences, stories, successes and concerns. Post here if you would like to participate.

Interested parties could also build a group with me in the Baritastic app. I found Forums that worked like this when I underwent hysterectomy, and am honestly surprised this sort of thing doesn't exist here. Unless I'm missing something?

I am 55 and ready for the next great phase of my life. RNY coming up in less than two weeks now. I'm drinking my liquid protein and water (about 700 cals a day), and walking 2-3 times a day for a total of 30 minutes. Yesterday I learned that trying to do a light hike for 30 minutes all at once was more than my body could handle with such low calorie intake.

I've created personalized meal plans for the first 2 weeks after surgery, transcribed recipes and grocery lists into my Cozi planner, and added meal/nutrition info into my Baritastic app so that I'm ready to make meal plans as the days progress. I've never felt more prepared for an endeavor in my life. Praying I haven't overlooked anything important, lol!

Look forward to hearing from others at a similar checkpoint.