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6 days post op

Hi! I’m new here. I can’t get in 64 oz of water and 3 protein shakes a day. The only thing that sounds good is creamy soup or popsicles, sugar free of course. I’m still in pain from my surgery and am worried about not getting enough protein to start healing. I’m starting to panic a bit wondering if I made a huge mistake but now it’s permanent. Anyone else feel this way? Thanks for any tips, advice or encouragement.
I am 7 days post op and have hit the wall with the protein shakes. Thinning them out with water has helped me a lot, though more volume to consume. I tried extracts. Banana...strawberry. Cinnamon has helped. Reminds me of drinking the leftover milk from Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. I have been drinking Gatorade zero or Powerade zero. My understanding is the fluid ounces in the protein shakes do count towards your water intake but check with your surgeons office. Hang in there. I'm really hoping once nurse professes to the puréed stage we can get enough protein in from real food.
I know some people think the water in something counts toward their water goal, but it doesn't. Water used to cook or bake something else, or make a beverage, is chemically changed. Please don't take my word for it. Go to

and read all about the benefits of water on your digestion and organ health after surgery.

I had a hard time drinking that much water but what I did was just measure out my water and then pour a portion into a glass, and sit and drink it with a teaspoon, as if it were soup or something. It really helped me stay hydrated.