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Delayed Surgery


This is my first time on this page, but I just had to reach out to anyone who might be going through or have previously experienced what I'm going through. I was all set to have my RNY surgery on March 6, 2025, and on Friday, I received a call that the surgeon was going on medical leave until April or May, and my surgery is now delayed. I went through a lot of therapy and internal work to finally decide this was the right decision for my health, and now my anxiety has me worried this is some sign from the universe that I am not supposed to have the surgery. I have been an absolute anxious wreck overthinking this, even though I work in the medical field and know that surgeries can get canceled at the drop of a hat. Has anyone else been through this, or do you know someone who has? I would love some insight and kind words.

my anxiety has me worried this is some sign from the universe that I am not supposed to have the surgery. I have been an absolute anxious wreck overthinking this
You're wise to know this stuff and let me assure you, this story has been told here dozens of times in the 15 years I've been part of this group. Have you read "The Only Diet There Is?" It's a diet from negative thinking, having nothing to do with food, but your scrambled brain. There's a link explaining more on my page, and also I've mentioned it many times in my posts to this group.

Just let your brain go nuts, and breathe deeply while your thoughts go crazy. Then exhale deeply and say some affirmations you'll find in the book, or that you made up for yourself. You will be fine. In fact, you already are.
My surgery was delayed too, but that is because I got a cold, a bad one. I couldn't breath out of my nose so I couldn't do surgery.
I thought the same way, maybe its a sign from the universe. But I ignored it, it wasn't a sign it was just bad timing. I got my surgery on February 6th and I used that time to lose another 10 pounds before getting surgery, which my surgeon was happy about, so was I!