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Endoscopic revision?

Has anyone here been through this process or know of anyone who had had the endoscopic process as far as revision?
I didn't have an endoscopic procedure but I hope you don't mind if I comment.

By my perception, at least 90 percent of this group as it exists today had endoscopy. Their struggles are very similar. But if I remember correctly, endoscopy is considered less effective than say, an open procedure (like I had) or the duodenal switch (which is a minority surgery, but search the group for members who've had it.

Based on your other post about regain, it's essential to remember that surgery is just a tool that gives you a leg up on weight loss. It's not going to be effective after a few months if you don't strictly follow the food plan you're given at your clinic or hospital.

There's something I always say and always do if the subject is regain. I'm going to put it in caps: WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING YOU EAT. And I mean, every single crumb you pick off the plate, or every plastic wrapper you lick clean, or other seemingly innocent habits that don't seem serious. They are serious. You will gain weight by doing that.

Revision may be a good idea for you, considering your starting weight and your lowest successful weight. If you're going to do that, you should do two things post-op. First, what I said above. Write everything down, every tiny crumb. And secondly, let your brain talk to your brain with affirmations. No matter what the affirmation is, as long as it's phrased positively, it will defeat your "fat brain," and it will become stronger and everything will get easier.

Overeating is a habit. You can't just quit doing it like you could with booze or cigarettes. So you have to modulate it to a point where it works for you. In your case, you might try this: write down everything you PLAN to eat in a day and put little check boxes next to each item. Check each one off when you eat it. Also put 8 glasses of water on your list and check those off as well.

If you don't believe me about drinking water, google it or go to the ABSA the American Bariatric Surgery Association. Get tips from experts. They exist for you and me, so we can freshen the information in our brains and get stronger.

Best of luck. You CAN do it.
I didn't have an endoscopic procedure but I hope you don't mind if I comment.

By my perception, at least 90 percent of this group as it exists today had endoscopy. Their struggles are very similar. But if I remember correctly, endoscopy is considered less effective than say, an open procedure (like I had) or the duodenal switch (which is a minority surgery, but search the group for members who've had it.

Based on your other post about regain, it's essential to remember that surgery is just a tool that gives you a leg up on weight loss. It's not going to be effective after a few months if you don't strictly follow the food plan you're given at your clinic or hospital.

There's something I always say and always do if the subject is regain. I'm going to put it in caps: WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING YOU EAT. And I mean, every single crumb you pick off the plate, or every plastic wrapper you lick clean, or other seemingly innocent habits that don't seem serious. They are serious. You will gain weight by doing that.

Revision may be a good idea for you, considering your starting weight and your lowest successful weight. If you're going to do that, you should do two things post-op. First, what I said above. Write everything down, every tiny crumb. And secondly, let your brain talk to your brain with affirmations. No matter what the affirmation is, as long as it's phrased positively, it will defeat your "fat brain," and it will become stronger and everything will get easier.

Overeating is a habit. You can't just quit doing it like you could with booze or cigarettes. So you have to modulate it to a point where it works for you. In your case, you might try this: write down everything you PLAN to eat in a day and put little check boxes next to each item. Check each one off when you eat it. Also put 8 glasses of water on your list and check those off as well.

If you don't believe me about drinking water, google it or go to the ABSA the American Bariatric Surgery Association. Get tips from experts. They exist for you and me, so we can freshen the information in our brains and get stronger.

Best of luck. You CAN do it.
I take everything you’ve said so seriously. I think being with more support, especially my mother and wife will be helpful. In my early journey I was alone and often on my own. I talent’s seriously and I want my old self!