I'm new too.
I started my journey back in September 2018 when I was diagnosed with a huge ventral hernia, and the surgeon suggested a weight loss program. I started the program in
November 2018, as it took that long to get in.
I had started a diet on my own in July 2018. Initial weight 293.8# @ 5' 1".
Doing well on diet! Currently 236.4#. I'm getting frustrated with all the prep consults, etc.
It seems when I near the finish line to schedule surgery, there's something else. It's very
costly for me, as I'm responsible for 20% of everything...adds up quickly on a fixed SS income! Some of it seems "money grabby" to me?!?!? Had a multitude of labs, education, dietitian,primary doc, psych(she alone was a grand!), pulmonologist had to order sleep study per Medicare??? WHY?...sleep study is my hang up now...
No respiratory issues or diagnoses...was to have a split sleep study, but she didn't do it, she said I'll have to go back??? Have to see pulmonologist again Friday for results. I sleep like a baby.Just seeing $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ...I'll see what they say?
I have no comorbidities but hyperlipidemia, and psoriatic arthritis.
I know this stuff is necessary, and I'm determined to do this so I can have my hernia repair and abdominal wall reconstruction! ...but its frustrating as I'm excited to do this ASAP!
Have been trying protein shakes, finding one's I like. I like Premier Protein so far...kind of tastes sweet, so dont know how my tolerance will be post-op.Not drinking 30 minutes before, with, and after meals.Keeping it at 1000 calories. Have been taking Biotin for months preparing for hair loss. Doing Multivitamin, etc. Constipation is an issue, but might be my hernia...
Dulcolax stool softener helps some...
Thanks for listening. I'm looking forward to support , ideas, and info from all!!
Hang tight FurbyGurl...we have to keep our eyes on our prize!