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Getting things started.....


Hi everyone,

You can call me LegoMomma. I am new here. Not new to weight issues. That has been a problem for me ever since my early 20's. I have met with my surgeon and started the requirements that I need to get done over the next few months to get Gastric Bypass Surgery. So hopefully around the first of the year or even Feb , I will get my surgery.

I am having a brain stent placed for this condition I have in just over 2 weeks. Which will require blood thinners for a little while. So of course I have to be off them before they other. But my bypass surgeon is aware and is understanding.

I have been actively dieting and have lost a few pounds. Cutting back soda has been huge for me, And sweets also, while increasing my water intake. Now I just need to get active. As the weather starts to cool off, I want to start daily walking as my body will allow.

I am on disability as I have a variety of issues. I am a divorced, mom of two. Both of whom have left the nest. I am 44 years old and ready to take my health back as much as I can. Nice to meet you all.