I was supposed to have my surgery in June. In fact, I was already on the o.r. table when the anesthesiologist has issues and wouldn't allow the surgery to go on. My cardiologist, who felt I was perfectly fine, put me another medication and I now passed the acid test and was rescheduled. Better safe than sorry, eh? So doing the 2 day liquid fast wasn't so bad even if it was for the second time. The o.r. was not ice cold this time, so that was better. All I remember is the anesthesiologist placed a breathing mask on my face and 2 seconds later I was waking up in recovery. First hour was bad(but root canal is worse). I was burping to get the gas out and that helped a lot (plus the push-button Percocet). I was kept in recovery until the evening because my pulse and blood pressure were high but nothing scary. I was in my room by 8:00 and was up and walking around the floor by 9:00 pm. The hospital staff was thrilled how quickly I rebounded. Never experienced nausea or pain (just some soreness). I tolerated all of the food I ate, although I did have to learn to eat S-L-O-W-L-Y. Frequency of walks increased the next day. Surgeon said I probably would go home Sunday night but they were still dealing with my blood pressure and pulse. Cardiologist was called who increased my meds and that did the trick. So I was discharged Monday a.m. which was fine with me because the extra night in the hospital bed made for a more comfortable sleep. So, now I'm home and people can't believe that I'm up and about instead of bed ridden. Tried a protein shake and that went down fine. Now onward and upward!