Well thank you, Diane! The holiday's went very smoothly
I had some friends over for New Year's and they were amazing enough to bring only food that was bariatric friendly! I was so touched that they made the effort to include me in all of the yummy foods (even though I could only have a bite or two of each dish). And I was beyond ecstatic that I started the new year under 200! I don't usually set time frames on my weight loss goals but I was so close to this one that ..I just wanted to pull it off.
BTW... Happy New Year everyone! I am not one that sets resolutions because I have never had one succeed with that kind of pressure. But the change that I am hoping to achieve (and that I started in December
) is to now enjoy the life I am living. I have been in a habit of just saying no. It could be an invite to dinner, going to the movies, a concert, or just hanging out. I always said no because I didn't want to have the "fat girl" thoughts. I didn't want to see that I was the biggest person in the room. I didn't want to worry about packed spaces and having to navigate the sea of skinny people who just give you that look that makes your stomach turn (this could also be my imagination getting the better of me, but that is how I view it). So now that I am over halfway, I am going to enjoy this new life that I have given myself. I plan to start doing lots of outdoor activities (hiking, canoeing, kayaking, playing softball, going to the park with my nephew more often, bike riding.... anything and everything that will keep me active), I am going to run a 5k this year, and when friends/family invite me to something, I am always going to say yes, unless that date/time was already booked for another "yes" invite. It's not a resolution so I am just hoping this life change will stick like the last one did. And like Brenda has said, it is about progress not perfection!