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Hello, I am Reasa. I am 33 days post op and feel good. It was a 2 year decision making process before I decided to go through with the surgery. I started the actual process in Jan of this year and am recovery now. I am so glad I did the surgery, even on my most horrible days. I joined this group because in the town I live in we only have one support group that I know of and it meets when I am at church. My family have been the best support and my biggest champions.

Welcome, Reasa,

And Congratulations on your weight loss surgery. What a tremendous gift you have given yourself.

Texas is a big place. Care to be a little more specific about where you are?

Look at all the weight you've already lost! You must feel like a new person already!!!

I'm glad you've found this Forum. It's a friendly place to give or get support. Or just to rave and rant when the mood strikes! lol

Great job! Keep it up.
Hi Reasa, welcome. I am glad to hear you are doing well. Your doing great on your weight loss, it's wonderful that you have the support of your family to help you, the first couple of months can be the most difficult. :cool: Tom
Thank you everyone for the welcome. It has been crazy around here with the holidays and us having to move soon. I am actually in Killeen, Tx. We are about an hour north of Austin. I am into my second month and had a crying fit on the phone with my nurse practitioner. She encouraged me and now I am fine since we took protein drinks out and added a small meal along with MooTopia milk for protein. I felt better in 2 days.
