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Ok so im about 4 yrs post op and gained 60 pounds. Dr recommeded a support group cause i having been doing too well to say the least. I went from 350 plus to 200 to 260 now im at 237. Extremely anxious depressed and frustrated but i have a counselor and im trying to get my mind right. I take no pills cause drs ive seen will prescribe none and honestly although it may help it wont solve a thing so i rather just deal, or learn to deal i should say. So far not good. I admit i was very suicidal but ive decided to just stay positive and keep moving which is way harder than it sounds for me at least. I feel like a failure and fat and ugly as hell. But i mean only i can switch things up. Sooooo any tips for post op weight gain and coping with stress anger and frustration of weight gain is needed and really appreciated. I can do all things through christ who strengthens me. Not giving up just gotta get a grip :)
Welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing. I am just a couple of months out from my surgery. You are not a failure and you are not fat nor ugly. You have done an awesome job at your weight loss. You had a set back but, you can overcome this. It is easy to give up and give in to your mind. The mind is a powerful thing and you can do whatever you put your mind to. That is obvious since you have lost a great amount of weight. I have seen people on this site tell people to go back to the beginning. Do the pouch test which will "reset" your pouch. Like I said I am only 2 months out but, what I have read about the pouch test it is a good start. You can find it on the home page of this site on the lower left side of the screen. There are a lot of good people here on this site that give a lot of excellent tips and advice. Good luck to you and come back often there is always something new on here.

Here is the situation as I see it:

You had a setback.
You acknowledged it & dedicated yourself to losing the weight you gained.
As a result, you only have 37 lbs to lose before you get back to your previous weight.
It won't be easy, but you already know you're capable of accomplishing this goal if you set your mind to it.
I'm not one to throw quotes around, but there's one I live by. "Your past mistakes are there to guide you, not define you." Regaining weight doesn't make you a failure and it certainly doesn't make you ugly. I give you credit because it takes a lot of strength to turn your situation around.
TillieS mentioned a pouch test. I'm unfamiliar with it, but it's something to look into if you feel like you need to do something more to put your mind at ease.
Hang in there. Best of luck to you.