Welcome Alieskia,
Before you go too far with this surgeon and his group, I would want you to make sure he is a noted bariatric surgeon, preferably one of the top doctors in your area. Secondly, I would want to know that the hospital where you will eventually have your surgery is a "bariatric center of excellence". If you say no to either one of these criteria, quite frankly, my personal opinion would be to find another doctor and/or group.
I don't like what you had to say about the nutritionist. The nutritionist should be your cheerleader and should be the main source of help and inspiration. I would hope the nutritionist is hosting group meetings pre-op so you can go to them and listen to others preparing for the surgery as well as post-op people who come to the meeting as well to answer and support your road to better health. The group meetings are "pay it forward" for many of us who are post-op as well as support for us as we all encounter challenges in our new life journey.
I concur with all the advice above. Less carbs is key. Less processed foods is key. 60 grams of protein is a criteria we follow post op for females and 80 to 90 grams of protein for males
Getting your total calories count down to the 1200 calorie level is ideal to help you lose weight pre-op. Even in the 1200 to 1500 calorie range is good with carbs being kept below 100 grams per day. Your nutritionist and your surgeon should be providing you all this information. Again, all this information should be given to you in seminars, handouts, etc., etc., by your surgeon and his bariatric support team. If not, find another surgeon. My opinion.
It is also good to lose weight before your surgery. We all know your serious since you are going through the effort to prepare for surgery.
I wish you all the success in the world. Come here often. We all show up and answer questions as often as we can.
Best wishes,