Hi my name is Kelley I am finding a lot of helpful info. On this discussion site so thank you all with such great info. I recently had the duodenal switch procedure about 2 weeks ago and I almost feel like I'm starving myself because I don't ever want to eat I'm not hungry I don't feel hungry ever really just gurgling some. I just eat because I know I have to which still is not a lot at all. And I do worry about having different issues do to not getting enough nutrients or protein etc...i do take my meds and vitamins the only issue I have right now and I'm going to try my best explaining the weird feeling I'm having in my stomach like it almost heavy kinda.. I guess it's hard to explain but almost like if you have ate too much and there's like a knot in my throat almost like I wanta throw up or I have ate to much. It's a strange feelin but no nausea or throwing up nothing like that... Not sure why or if it's cause I'm doing something wrong. I have been on clear liquid only an today started full liquid diet will be on this diet for next 2 wks before going to soft foods... Other then that feeling everything has been going good excited to see myself in yr always been overweight and at 47 will be nice to walk without pain in knees and having to stop to church my breath. And to shop in store in regular size clothing section lol