I have an 8 week plan before going to "regular foods". The first four weeks was a liquid diet (you have all patiently listened to me complain about that enough), which consisted of water, diluted juices, broths, and protien shakes. The goal was 64 oz of water and 60 grams of protien per day.
The next 4 weeks are puree, and here is the plan:
Start replacing protein shakes with pureed foods, one meal at a time.
Slowly consume 1-2 ounces of protein every 2 hours
Consume 5-6 small meals daily until you can tolerate ½ cup of food at one time
Avoid liquids 15 minutes before and at least 30 minutes after meals.
Take 20-30 minutes to eat each meal.
After 8 weeks, then I can start incorporating "regular foods", here are my requirements, and weight loss tips from the nutritionist:
Incorporating new foods (after 8 weeks)…
-Now that the swelling has decreased you will be able to advance your diet. In order to minimize the chance of food particles lodging in your stomach/pouch choose softer foods first and try them one at a time.
-Continue to avoid high fiber foods
• Raw fruits w/ peels
• Dried fruit
• Raw vegetables
• Corn, peas
• Doughy breads, whole grains
• Pickles
• Popcorn
• Nuts, seeds & coconut
• Dry, tough meats
Tips for Successful Weight Loss:
• Moisten chicken and meat w/ low-fat broth or gravy
• Introduce one new food each day in order to better identify which foods may cause problems: nausea, discomfort or vomiting
• Keep a food log and bring it to follow-up appointment w/ dietitian and/or doctor
• Take small bites and chew food thoroughly (15-20 times)
• Use small utensils and plates
• You should feel full after maximum 1/2 cup of food
• Use the 20-20 rule. Take 20 minutes to eat 20 bites of food
• Eat the protein and vegetables first!!
• Stay hydrated by drinking 6-8 cups a day
• Drink 15 min before and 30 min after meals
• NO CARBONATION-may cause discomfort, burping, bloating, gas pain
• Start doing physical activity (4-6 weeks after surgery) - aerobic activity and strength training