Coworker and I both had bariatric surgery. Both of us agree when we were fat we had no problems getting jabbed. After weight loss is feels like Michael Meyers is trying to jab us with a kitchen knife. After making it through chemo I gotta go through a work up every three months and for three weeks after I gotta go get a bag of iron (B12) drained into my veins for 2 hours. Usually takes them 3-5 affronts to get an IV in me and practically need to strap me down. For a good day after my limb is sore. This is the BA of course but other facilities have had their fair share of people that can’t hit the vein. Except three women in Oncology that pulled blood every chemo visit. They were amazing. Quick, hit their mark every time and only ones in my life where I couldn’t feel the needle. Professional vampires there.
Anyone else find they are super sensitive anymore?
Anyone else find they are super sensitive anymore?