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No more motivation


I dis really well for the three years. I was going to the gym and really losing the weight. I got pregnant twice and now I feel like i’m doomed. I lost my motivation. These babies are stressful. I need help.
I dis really well for the three years. I was going to the gym and really losing the weight. I got pregnant twice and now I feel like i’m doomed. I lost my motivation. These babies are stressful. I need help.

Hey Sunny, I'm guessing no one has been able to respond to you because of the holiday. I have a few questions I need to clarify what you're asking, and maybe I can help, although I didn't have the experience you had.
* Did you lose all the weight you wanted to?
* Did you reach your goal weight before you started gaining?
* Did you gain weight because of the pregnancies and after giving birth, find it impossible to take it off?
* Are you stress-eating because of having to take care of the babies? How old are they now?

As to losing your motivation, I certainly can relate to that. It's happened to me many times, in many different situations. In general, I just let it ride itself out, but after a little while of doing that, I made a point of writing my feelings down and then taking the time I needed to cook and eat properly. I only had one child, but I raised him completely alone after his father left, which happened just a few months after he was born. I definitely gained all my problem weight after that, and parenting just seemed to take up all my time and energy. I wasn't able to lose the weight, though I tried many times. After having surgery when I turned 55, I added exercise and hiking to my regular routine and the weight came off and stayed off, though I have slacked off on my exercise. I'll be 73 this month and just don't have the energy or strength I used to have. But my son and I did go camping and canoeing about a month ago and I kept up my end. Took days to recover once I got home. All that time, my little voice that keeps me going, caring about myself, was running along in my subconscious mind.

There will always be ups and downs, but keep trying. And definitely take some time out for yourself, every day. I know how hard that can be with a screaming or teething baby, but that's the deal. Babies get to be babies and parents have to deal with babies being babies without losing self-love and self-esteem. Measured breathing also really helps.
I am a single dad with 2 kids at less than a year old I had to care for my son . It was a big change for me I found that when I took some time for myself it helps. For me it was hire a baby sitter at least 1 night a month and go out with my friends. I tried dating once but found out through a baby cam the woman was cruel to my children . So I just started doing things with the kids and grew into it. I found that as the children grew it got easier. I think with time it will for you too. I learned that spending time with the kids helped me understand there needs and that in turn helped the stress. I know your pulling your hair out but know it will get easier. I think we all have felt as you do with our children but by getting closer to them you will enjoy the rewards later but take the night off with your best friend to get the break we all need every now and again.