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Puree Protien Recipes


Hey Folks! I told you I would share some recipes when I started making my puree meals, and here are the first three. None of them are mine, I got them all on the internet, which means they actually have measurements!

The one thing that I did different in every recipe, (because I want FLAVOR), was to substitute mushroom/vegetable/chicken stock anywhere they recipe called for water. Now, if you don't make your own stocks, that can get pricey. Also, if you don't think your stomach can handle deep, rich flavors, beware!

Recipe #1 - Broccoli Chicken Puree Soup (10g protien per serving)

For this recipe, I did everything exactly as the recipe called for, with the exception of substituting mushroom stock for 1/2 the water. Also, instead of heavy cream, I used Magic Milk. It came out wonderful!

Recipe #2 - Chicken Salad Puree for Bariatric Patients (13g protien per serving)

The only change I made to this is that I did not use a plain chicken breast. The other day I made a whole lemon & herb chicken in my InstantPot, then deboned it, and chopped up the meat. That adds a TON of flavor to this puree. I also did not have onion powder, so I substituted garlic powder.

One of my fears with going to a puree diet was the texture/consistency. This recipe came out with a surprisingly pleasant texture. It reminds me of a garlic and herb hummus! It is a little on the dry side, so I may mix an ounce of Magic Milk to add some moisture.

Recipe #3 - Potato & Leek Soup Puree (9g of protien per serving)

For this recipe, I used mushroom stock, instead of chicken or veggie stock. I guess mushroom stock is technically a veggie stock, but it has a richer, earthy, meaty flavor to it. Other than that, and substituting Magic Milk for the cream, I did everything exactly as directed. Again, it is delicious! (However, I set some aside and added a flavorless protien powder to bump up the protien count, and it was still delicious!)

So the soups produce 6 normie (non-post op) servings. For us post-ops, it is 12-15 servings. So, I would recommend freezing half of it. If you do freeze some, I recommend not adding the Magic Milk until you defrost and reheat it. Dairy does not freeze well.

So, my plan is to freeze half of it, and keep 1/2 in the fridge. When I go back to work in 2 weeks, I will pre-package 4oz servings of each, so that I will have easy access to the right food all day.

Let me know if you try these recipes, and how you feel about them!
Oh yeah, one more recipe! This one is all mine, so no link:

Garlic Mashed Cauliflower - Yields about 3-4 cups, depending on the size of cauliflower. (1.3g protien per serving).

1 large head of cauliflower
1 large leek, washed and chopped (only the white parts)
6 cloves of fresh garlic, skinned and crushed
4 tablespoons of unsalted butter, cut into 1 tbsp pieces
1 cup veggie stock (I used my homemade mushroom stock)
4 tbsp low-fat cottage cheese
4 tbsp 2% plain greek yogurt
2 tbsp garlic powder
Salt and pepper to taste

Place veggie stock in a large pot, with a veggie steamer, bring to a mild boil, and reduce to medium heat.

Take 1 large cauliflower, remove the stem and leaves, and wash thoroughly in cold water. Place the full cauliflower head upside down on the steamer. Sprinkle the garlic powder on the cauliflower, then place the chopped leek, then 3 tbsp butter pieces. As the cauliflower steams, the butter will melt over the leeks, and then flow into the cauliflower. Cover and steam over medium heat for 10-14 minutes until the cauliflower is soft and/or mushy, according to preference.

During the steam, place 1 tbsp butter in a sauce pan, and saute the garlic until it is soft and fragrant.

Once the cauliflower and leeks are steamed, transfer them to a large bowl, add butter and garlic. Add about a 1/2 cup of veggie stock from the steam pot. Mash the cauliflower with a fork or potato masher until pieces are small, then puree with an immersion blender until the cauliflower and leeks are well mashed and blended.

Add yogurt and cottage cheese, continue to puree. Add small amounts of stock as necessary for moisture. Puree until a creamy texture. Add additional cottage cheese, yogurt, garlic powder, salt or pepper to your taste!

This doesn't last long at my house, so I have never had the need to freeze it. I am not sure if it freezes well.