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Referral being sent

Hello everyone, my name is Clara. I’m 31 y/o female been obsessed with most my life. I’m here to turn my life around!

I just got confirmation from my PCP to refer me to bariatric surgery consult. I’m overwhelmed with emotions. I feel relived in a sense because I’ve struggled majority of my life with obesity. I finally feel like my doctors are listening and working with me to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Thanks for letting me in! I’m excited to learn about my future plans.
Clara, welcome to YOUR group. Congratulations on your decision.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the decision to have surgery. There are so many things to consider, and so many fears (mostly irrational).

Take as much time as you need to psych yourself up for the procedure. It's best medical practice these days to spend some time before surgery learning a new way of eating. This is a great use of time. Most people don't account for some or all of their eating habits. It's also a REALLY good idea to keep a journal of your thoughts, feelings, foods you eat and the amounts and times you eat.

It's also a really good idea to drink 8 glasses or 64 ounces of water every day. This is not one of those things you should ignore. The benefits you'll get from drinking that much water are well documented. Most people find it pretty hard, but you can make it easier by measuring it out in advance, then keeping it on the counter or in the refrigerator. Some people want to substitute Popsicles for water, but my experience is that only water can really benefit weight loss in a profound way. Research it and you'll find the science explained.

I hope you'll take some time here, using the Search feature to find stories and answers about the experiences of living with the surgery results. They are overwhelmingly positive. I've been a member since 2008 and I've read all the posts since then. I feel like this is the best support group I've ever seen or experienced on the Internet.

You may find these resources helpful: Resources by dianeseattle Those are some of my experiences or results of research. Most of us have more than a few similarities in our experiences.