• American Bariatrics is a free online Bariatric Support Group. Register for your free account and get access to all of our great features!

save the group

If you look down at the bottom of the page, you'll see a banner that has a link "Contact us."

Please click on that link and send a message to the group administrators and owners, asking them to create a filter to block the spammers who've been shitting all over this group, the assholes from Turkey. A member can't use "Turkey" as a filter to block them, because we eat a lot of turkey in our post-op food plans.

But this has to stop. We have to stand up for our group for our own sake, and for the sake of people who are looking for support.

The contact box will come up when you click on "Contact us" in the banner that runs along the bottom of every window we open.

Please, group members. I've already done this. We need to make a group statement, a big one, in order to make this stop.

Make it official. Demand that the group administrators block the Turkish spammers.
Are the spammers the ones sending the messages about buying certain vitamins or whatever?

yes. and for some reason, they all list "Turkey" as their country of origin.

You can always tell a spammer because he/she never says anything personal or tells a story of his/her journey, and usually recommends some drug or supplement. No group member ever behaves like that.