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Support for people with rny and lap band

Hi, The meetings are on the 3rd & 4th Monday from 5:30 pm tp 7:00 pm every month. The next meeting is on April 23rd for bypass patients but they invite all bariatric surgery patients to come. they are for everyone and I encourage you to come. The address is Columbia St. Marys Hospital, Milwaukee,WI
Johnson Controls Foundation lounge, 3rd floor
Take the public elevators to the 3rd floor and exit directly into the lounge
I have the complete schedule but for some reason my scanner is not working right now. Good luck to you. Please use the groups they have they are a tremendous help!! This forum is another great help. If you mhave any question about anything feel free to go to the meetings or ask here.
Hi, The meetings are on the 3rd & 4th Monday from 5:30 pm tp 7:00 pm every month. The next meeting is on April 23rd for bypass patients but they invite all bariatric surgery patients to come. they are for everyone and I encourage you to come. The address is Columbia St. Marys Hospital, Milwaukee,WI
Johnson Controls Foundation lounge, 3rd floor
Take the public elevators to the 3rd floor and exit directly into the lounge
I have the complete schedule but for some reason my scanner is not working right now. Good luck to you. Please use the groups they have they are a tremendous help!! This forum is another great help. If you mhave any question about anything feel free to go to the meetings or ask here.

I don't know what kind of surgery I should have. My doctor is leaving it up to me but I wish he would tell me what would be best for me. I don't want to gain the weight back after going this route. With my health issues I can exercise 2 or 3 times a week but not 5.
Hi Cathy, Welcome to the forum. You have a few months to do some research on your options. My insurance would only pay for the Band or a RnY and I didn't want something implanted into me, a personl choice, so my descision was easy. Here's what I know; the Lap Band needs to be adjuste dseveral times after surgery to find the optimal size for food and liquid intake, usually you are in and out of the hospital the same day and there are less malabsortion issues however the weight loss is slower and the band may slip over time and have to be surgically put back in place. The Sleeve is when they sew your stomach so it basically looks like a sleeve but they don't re-route it like the RnY, this is done lapiscorically and I don't know if there is a hospital stay but imagine there is, the weight loss can be quicker than the Lap band and be more similar to that of the RnY however there can be some malabsorbtion with the sleeve. The Rouxe and Y (RnY) is a re-route of the stomach where they by pass the stomach and go to the small intestines while leaving a small connection for the stomach to send enzymes (I think) to the intestinal tract so you are left with a little pouch leading to the intestines, this surgey can also be done lapriscopicly and does require a short hospital stay, the weight loss can be rather fast, relatively speaking, there is malabsorbtion assosiated with the RnY so you must stay with a vitamin regimine monitored regularly by your doctor for the first year, then annually. With the sleve and RnY there are also food intolerances, I am not sure about the Lap Band.

The important thing to remember no matter which route you take these are all just tools we can use to help keep us get healthy and if we don't change our life styles we can gain all the weight back, the good news is if we do slip and start gaining weight we still have toole to help uys lose the weight again because the surgery doesn't go away, So go to a few support group meetings and talk with every one you can to see what has worked for them. Remember whatever your choice make sure it is what you want for yourself, good luck and let us know what you decide. :cool: Tom

Thank you information. I can't go to the meeting until June & I'm hoping to have the surgery in Aug. I go to school & I have a class on Wed. nights.
Hi, The meetings are on the 3rd & 4th Monday from 5:30 pm tp 7:00 pm every month. The next meeting is on April 23rd for bypass patients but they invite all bariatric surgery patients to come. they are for everyone and I encourage you to come. The address is Columbia St. Marys Hospital, Milwaukee,WI
Johnson Controls Foundation lounge, 3rd floor
Take the public elevators to the 3rd floor and exit directly into the lounge
I have the complete schedule but for some reason my scanner is not working right now. Good luck to you. Please use the groups they have they are a tremendous help!! This forum is another great help. If you mhave any question about anything feel free to go to the meetings or ask here.
I live by Wausau WI and do not have transportation do they possibly do virtual meetings? Thank you.
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