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  1. Lrin34

    Unable to eat

    I will make a list to have the labs done and I am sure the scope will show any stones since the surgeon mentioned blockages but I am going to ask for an ultrasound as well. I know they did a ton of blood work two weeks post op but I do not think they did any pancreatic labs. I was so violently...
  2. Lrin34

    Food and beverage likes and dislikes after surgery

    I miss my coffee and can not stand decaf coffee so I have even given up that. Not being hungry is nice until you realize you have to eat or drink something. I have to remember to eat and drink since I still get nauseated a lot. My kids tend to bring me protein drinks randomly so that helps out.
  3. Lrin34

    Unable to eat

    Cheyenne, I saw the surgeon last week and he is giving me till the second to see if I can get more in with the help of Zofran. If not I have to go for a scope to see if there is a blockage of some sort an I not and I have not increased my intake he will have to dilate it. I'm sleeping all the...
  4. Lrin34

    Food and beverage likes and dislikes after surgery

    Good luck with your surgery!! The pre-op diet was very hard. I know everyone's is different. Mine was a seven day clear liquid except for protein shakes. That was so hard and I wish I had cut down on stuff before I started it instead of just waking up and not eating.
  5. Lrin34

    Food and beverage likes and dislikes after surgery

    experience First off I work in the medical field and at the hospital I had my procedure done. I knew it would hurt, I knew I had to walk, I knew it wasn't going to be pleasant. I had talked to co-workers who had it done and said they were ready to go once they woke up. I personally was shocked...
  6. Lrin34

    Unable to eat

    I do not know if this is common or something that I am having an issue with. I am three weeks out and I can not get in enough of anything. My surgeon thinks he may need to go in and dilate my stomach to help me out. I am lucky to get in 40g of protein a day and 400 calories. This is pretty much...
  7. Lrin34

    Food and beverage likes and dislikes after surgery

    I have trouble finding almost all foods too sweet. Strawberries or anything strawberry flavored is to sweet. I seem to need to drink things that are bitter or it is just too much.