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11 years post op


I am new to this group, so I was hoping for some helpful answers? I had surgery 11 years ago, I was overweight but not 100lbs, I had some medical reasons. I had no problems with the surgery and would do it again in a heartbeat. I lost about 75lbs, never got below 130lbs. But here I am 11 years out about to turn 60 and I am gaining weight at a rate which scares and depresses me!! I don't want to be FAT ever again. I'd have another procedure done if there is one? Can anyone identify with me, or does anyone have any advice? thanks---desperate :(
I am new to this group, so I was hoping for some helpful answers? I had surgery 11 years ago, I was overweight but not 100lbs, I had some medical reasons. I had no problems with the surgery and would do it again in a heartbeat. I lost about 75lbs, never got below 130lbs. But here I am 11 years out about to turn 60 and I am gaining weight at a rate which scares and depresses me!! I don't want to be FAT ever again. I'd have another procedure done if there is one? Can anyone identify with me, or does anyone have any advice? thanks---desperate :(
As Diane said, you likely know why you're gaining. We use food to self-medicate our stress, anxiety, depression, etc. Significant weight gain is almost always rooted in some kind of emotional or psychological turmoil. Sounds like you probably need to look inward. Do you have a counselor? Do you meditate? If you know why you're eating, there's likely a good book out there that could help. I wish you all the best getting back on track.
I'll be having gastric sleeve surgery in 25 days. I thought about starting a video blog beginning before my surgery. I'm sure someone else has videod their weight loss journey. Does anyone know how I could find one to watch? Thanks.
Hey Happy, I think you would be the first person to do this! Get your battery charged and your cameras ready and get a tripod and get busy! I am really looking forward to following your journey and I think it could actually be something that would have Commercial Appeal. DO IT!❤
I am new to this group, so I was hoping for some helpful answers? I had surgery 11 years ago, I was overweight but not 100lbs, I had some medical reasons. I had no problems with the surgery and would do it again in a heartbeat. I lost about 75lbs, never got below 130lbs. But here I am 11 years out about to turn 60 and I am gaining weight at a rate which scares and depresses me!! I don't want to be FAT ever again. I'd have another procedure done if there is one? Can anyone identify with me, or does anyone have any advice? thanks---desperate :(
Hello Grammy-
What kind of surgery did you have? Did this weight gain start recently? Some people with a lap band are disappointed and get a revision to something more permanent like a sleeve or bypass. With 11 years experience you probably know that weight loss surgery is only a tool that must be accompanied by a sincere commitment to changing your relationship with food. Go to a bariatric doctor to see if you have any options. Address any of your stressors head on and see why you are turning to food for comfort. Good Luck to you.
I am new here as well...18 years post op. I lost over 100 lbs, but gained it all back. I re lost the weight a few years ago, and I am now gaining again. UGH! I have also developed some scary side effects from the surgery. I have Reactive Hypoglycemia which is causing seizures due to low blood sugar. I am trying desperately to control the blood sugar but it is just out of control. I can eat the same exact thing 2 days in a row and have problems one day and not the other. No rhyme or reason to it. I would like to lose about 40 lbs again, but am so scared. I constantly think I am going to die because of this. I never had problems with the surgery/post op. I have serious anxiety about gaining again and so depressed. I also wonder if there is another surgery to do. Did my stomach grow again or could there be another problem?
Welcome to the group, Laura. I hope you'll share more of your story with us.

Here are a few random thoughts:
  • You are putting blame in the wrong place
  • The surgery didn't make you gain weight back--you did that, like so many people do
  • The reason you gained is your eating disorder. It's stronger than any surgical approach.
  • Control is overrated. It's actually a very dangerous thing.
  • You need to examine yourself and find out why you won't be honest about this.
  • Your anxiety & depression are not part of a surgical outcome, but they are mood disorders that need separate treatment.
I was deliberately blunt just then, but try to understand that you were asking me to believe your weight gains were magically acquired, when in fact, they were a direct result of overeating.

If you were gaining weight after surgery, why didn't you put your problem in the hands of qualified medical professionals? No doctor is going to allow you to gain 100 pounds after you had surgery to get rid of it.

I hear a lot of grief from a good person who simply cannot reach logical conclusions and thinks she's doomed to fail. Welcome to the club. Surgery is only a tool and you are the builder who uses it. For some reason, you lack the desire to be healthy and thin. But then this perverse entity of control is messing you up by lying to you and predicting you have no choice but to fail. Welcome to Major Depression Land.

Here's the deal. It's okay to take responsibility for screwing up. I mean, what's gonna happen? It's not like anyone can take away your birthday. You are real, flesh and blood and fat, and in spite of all that, you are allowing a less tactile reality to drive your bus. And that driver is ten times stronger than what you might call "willpower" or "control."

For a week, keep a journal. Write down your thoughts and feelings as they pertain to food, but don't write them down until they occur. And all day, every day, write down every single crumb you put in your mouth. Be honest.

If you're not already a member, join the YMCA. They have a lot of group activities that will keep you accountable and offer support. You could join a bunch of old ladies like me in the arthritis swim. You could join a salsa dance class. You could walk on a treadmill, or use an elliptical for less impact. You could treat every visit like a spa day, taking a steam or sitting in the hot tub, followed by a great hot shower and skin treatments. You can find volunteer opportunities that will take you out of yourself and help someone else. Before you leave, sit in front of a mirror there and apply makeup and do your hair. I'm not just saying this. I do this.

While we may seem like victims of obesity, it's really us who are inflicting the pain and imprisonment. Don't try to control anything. Just do things differently. Take one thing at a time and do it, so you don't feel overwhelmed. At 18 years out, you're suddenly our most senior member here. What did you learn on your journey that you can share with us? We want to learn from you.

Try honesty first. No one will hurt you for telling the truth. Revisiting painful memories will not propel you into the past to suffer again. You have the power now, and it's time to use it. You are repeating myths about weight and health and as bad as that is for you, it will also be heard and possibly believed by someone who is also suffering. Misery does not love company, but company can put misery in a closet.

start here: New resources

If you're not in therapy, check it out. And as you obsess through your day, counter the failure messages with affirmations. Here's an old "mantra" of mine, given to me by a man who loved me:

I am beautiful, inside and out​
people will perceive me as beautiful because I am beautiful​
i become more beautiful every day.​
I improve myself every day.​
I am LIGHT.​
It is normal for me to be happy, and to be a beacon of light to all around me.​
Repeat this constantly, silently or aloud. Eventually, you'll believe it.

You're okay, you're safe, you can let your guard down here. We want to offer you support & love, and weirdly enough, this approach actually works, right here on the ol' interweb!:p
First of all I couldn't even get through your entire response to me. You don't even know me! maybe you should ask questions before you make assumptions about a new member! I NEVER blamed the surgery for gaining the weight again. Where do you come off saying that? Ask me a question and I will be COMPLETELY HONEST....you haven't done that (asked me anything). You just ASSUME you know what my problems are. Thanks for being you, I now know I DO NOT BELONG in this group. I am sorry I became a member. I am honest about everything...I OWN my anxiety and depression. It goes much deeper than the weight. I see a psychiatrist for that, it is TOTALLY a separate issue, I get it. I was getting at the fact that I have REACTIVE HYPOGLYCEMIA which is a DIRECT result of the surgery. It is scary and YES is life threatening to have such low blood sugar that you have seizures! I was trying to find out if anyone else has this....the feelings I have of dying are completely within reason when my blood sugar is so out of control,, EVEN WHEN I watch everything I eat! Again, thanks....I am leaving the group due to your assumptions about me which you have NO RIGHT to say. I can take criticism but not from a person like you, who tries to diagnose me over a few sentences/comments.
I'm sorry. I was responding to what I thought you were saying. I must have misunderstood and hope you will find other answers from other members. You don't need to pay any attention to anything I say. I'm not even going to make any excuses. I"m just going to apologize because you are very upset by my opinions. Again, I'm sorry.
Hi Laura, I'm writing out of hope that you haven't left the group. Those of us who know Diane, know that she did not intend to offend you. I'm sorry that you felt challenged.

In a public forum like this, I've certainly received responses that I didn't like but I'm glad I stuck with the group, there is wonderful support here and great ideas to be shared. I tell you this because I really hope you'll check back and accept Diane's apology. We want to help.
I am new to this group, so I was hoping for some helpful answers? I had surgery 11 years ago, I was overweight but not 100lbs, I had some medical reasons. I had no problems with the surgery and would do it again in a heartbeat. I lost about 75lbs, never got below 130lbs. But here I am 11 years out about to turn 60 and I am gaining weight at a rate which scares and depresses me!! I don't want to be FAT ever again. I'd have another procedure done if there is one? Can anyone identify with me, or does anyone have any advice? thanks---desperate :(
They are doing revisions of elatged pouches with an endoscopy scope and seems to be successful. No actual surgery and is an outpatient procedure.
Not sure if you are still here, but I am almost 10 years out from RNY. Menopause is totally changing the game for the worse. It is hard. Sorry I wasn't here sooner to help you and chat. People can be very preachy and judgmental. I eat very little and work out a lot, and I cannot lose weight anymore. I understand. <3
Tauheedah, I was just writing something about you here the other day. It's good to see you. I believe you are taking good care of yourself, even though we are all suffering so much hardship right now. You have the right attitude and have nothing but blessings to give to everybody.