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3 weeks post surgery

I have been over weight my whole life. Once my children were raised I decided to take care of me. The surgery went as planned. I actually did really well, for 3 weeks. I was losing weight, walking and was able to eat all the full fluids I was directed. Without warning I had alot of blood in my stool. I was hospitalized but so far all the can find is an ulcer. Has anyone else had this side effect? I have other tests scheduled but this scared me alot.
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Hi Tammy, sorry you need to go through some testing to figure out what is going on. I am probably too new to the group to know if others had this problem but I wanted to wish you luck as you go through further testing. I am hoping for the best for you, good luck!
I'm so sorry you're having a hard time, but blood in the stool is related to ulcers and other things, but by no means a side effect of WLS.

The hospital sounds like the right place for you and I hope they reach a diagnosis soon. My dad had a duodenal ulcer and was hospitalized for it several times. Ulcers are VERY serious but people joke about them all the time. You probably understand the dangers.

And surely your surgery has already been ruled out, since they're testing for other things.

Otherwise, it sounds like your surgery was a success. Congratulations for getting out and walking. Once you get over this hump, you can go back to reclaiming your health. I hope they find the source of the bleeding soon. Try to keep a good thought and feel better! Sorry for this bump in the road!!
I am just starting puree food. First couple times was ok. Then I got food stuck. Would not go down or come up. Has anyone got any tips on how to get the food to move if it happens?
This happened to me once but I don't remember what the food item was that got stuck in my throat. It took mke 24 hours to get it out. I was bulimic for many years and so I don't have a very strong gag effect. That meant I could stick my hand in my mouth and my throat, and I could feel the wad of food that was in there but I couldn't make it move. I drank water and it filled up and spilled back out of my esophagus.

There wasn't much I could do because it would not come back up. So I just dealt with it until it went down. It was incredibly painful in addition to being a block that kept me from drinking water or eating other food for that total 24 hours.

I learned a lesson the hard way. Previous to that, I had also had constipation for the first time in my life right after surgery. It had happened because I was taking painkillers that cause constipation. But I did not know that. That was another 24-hour trip.

You know our habits before surgery mostly included big bites, not enough chewing and overfilling the stomach. This was a recipe for disaster in the post bariatric world. It only happened to me once. I never screwed up again

Here's what I learned:
  1. Take small bites
  2. Chew every bite until it is liquid in your mouth
  3. Eat slowly
  4. Follow your staged eating plan and avoid fibrous and solid food items until your stomach can handle it
If you are getting food stuck in your throat, you are not chewing it enough and possibly you are taking bites that are too big. There really aren't any other explanations why something would get stuck in a tube. It is simply that the stuck item it's too big to pass through the tube.